Never in the history of the British military have the Gurkhas ever abandoned their comrades in battle, nor ever retreat despite superior enemy numbers and arms. Gurkhas continue to attack up to the last man. But after dedicating the best years of their fighting lives for the glory of the British Crown, the Gurkhas are faced with deprivation and deportation. These gallant fighters, considered one of the best warrior races in the world - who offered their loyalty, skills, and lives fighting England's wars - are being

discarded, disposed of, and left to rot in the streets of the Kingdom they were always willing to die for. Of their countless wounds from many battles, this disgraceful treatment from the British government is the unkindest and most painful of all.
For the thousands who gathered outside
Parliament many of whom are in their 70's and 80's, this may perhaps be the biggest and last battle of their lives. Among these old warriors are many who are in desperate need of medical attention; and over the last 2 years of their legal struggle, 8 have fallen dead on the streets. Known for their bravery and endurance, the men demonstrating have seen combat all over the world, including Afghanistan and Iraq, with 200,000 serving in World Wars l and ll. This current struggle tests their endurance. They have tried all avenues, even returned their medals; yet the camaraderie seen at the protest lines among their comrades should

not be mistaken for lack of intensity. Beneath the gentle smile lies a cold and steely determination, inflamed by years of injustice, and forged by their natural fighting tenacity - to secure equal rights for the Gurkhas, who have pledged their lives to the Queen.
The Gurkha's solicitor Martin Howe represents 1,500 more men wanting to come to the UK, but the government is doing everything to keep them out. The Gurkhas want equal pensions as their British counterparts, like those recruited from other countries. Discrimination was also discovered in terms of salaries even when they were still in the active service. Many were made to believe that a "long period of service would entitle them to citizenship", and most Ghurkas served an average of 25 years. But

the government announced in March 2008 that only those Ghurkas who signed up after July 1, 1997 will be entitled to equal pay and retirement pay with that of their British counterpart; and would be allowed to settle in England. Those who were with the British Military before this date , still in active service, and who may retire in 2017 are still not granted equal pay nor equal retirement pay, much less given the right to settle in England.
Gurkhas are from
Nepal, who

derived their name from a Hindu warrior-saint Guru Gorakhnath, whose descendants founded the House of Gurkha. The British were the first to use the Gurkhas after noting their physical strength, endurance, discipline, and tenacity in conflict. The Gurkhas were described as a martial race or warrior race, who inflicted heavy casualties against the British in Nepal in the 1800s. The British sued for peace with the provision that they could recruit Ghurkas to fight for the crown. From 1816 to date, Gurkhas fought for England and died for England. Prince Harry's stint with the military in Afghanistan was with the Gurkha regiment to ensure his safety.

Every year
Ghurka applicants seek acceptance in the British military, with 28,000 young and robust men vying for 200 slots. It is described as one of the toughest selection procedures in the world, aside from the fact that it is fiercely contested, often resulting in death among many applicants. These soldiers still carry their traditional weapon into battle, an 18 inch knife called "kukri". It is believed that once drawn, the kukri needs to taste blood, otherwise, it's spirit will work against its owner. This is the reason why Gurkhas cut themselves when no opportunity to take the fight to the enemy arises, after the knife has been drawn from its sheath.

Today, the old warriors who have served in various wars have come to England at great cost to themselves. They are being ignored by the citizens who do not understand their cause; they are being barred by officials who have been told to keep them away; they are being computed by members of parliament as a line item and are being certified as "unaffordable".The Gurkhas are not being valued but demeaned, tagged with a price that reduces their contributions and prepares them to receive a pittance that's next to nothing. The scandalous manner in which these warriors are received and treated does not speak well of a civilized country, whose declarartions of a noble history are overshadowed by this barbaric display of unmitigated incivility and outright crudeness.

Perhaps the Parliamentarians are looking at the willingness of the old Ghurkas to die for the Kingdom, from disease, organ failure, and fatigue. This is a substantial underestimation of the patience and resolve of these warriors. With their honor mortally injured, the Gurkhas may yet unleash what remains of their tenacity at the frivolity of these Parliamentarians, where the lawmakers' shoulders become lonesome for their heads.