There are people whose misfortunes lead them to the conclusion that "life sucks", or that "life stinks". There are those who suffer the unbearable shame of being in situations that find them in crappy circumstances, in an environment that's full of excrement. But for one 26 year old Frenchman who took a train ride from La Rochelle to Paris, it is all of these. Getting inside the on-board toilet and having his hand sucked and trapped inside the toilet bowl is not a daily occurrence of bad luck, but a rare incident of hilarity. 
The Frenchman was not identified, to prevent further embarrassment to him. His hand was trapped when he reached for his mobile phone which fell into the toilet bowl, and was subsequently scooped up by the toilet's suction system. The high speed TGV train had to stop for two hours to allow responding firemen to rescue the filthy Frenchman from the seemingly monster toilet, by cutting through the train's pipework. The man was carried away by the Emergency services with his hand still jammed in the toilet seat. It is a tragedy to see such a promising young man get stuck in a shit hole.
The instinctive reaction of picking up a dropped mobile phone, and/or an inadequate
knowledge about how powerful the suction systems of on-board trains are, led to this humiliating result. On the other hand, a phone dropped in water with the power on will be short circuited, and therefore ruined. He probably hoped he could pick it up fast enough to prevent its ruin. The question remains as to why he had his mobile phone in his hand as he entered the on-board toilet, knowing that he will need both hands, one more than the other, to get his task done. The answer may be very simple, he failed to pocket his phone immediately after "answering the call of nature".

The Frenchman was not identified, to prevent further embarrassment to him. His hand was trapped when he reached for his mobile phone which fell into the toilet bowl, and was subsequently scooped up by the toilet's suction system. The high speed TGV train had to stop for two hours to allow responding firemen to rescue the filthy Frenchman from the seemingly monster toilet, by cutting through the train's pipework. The man was carried away by the Emergency services with his hand still jammed in the toilet seat. It is a tragedy to see such a promising young man get stuck in a shit hole.
The instinctive reaction of picking up a dropped mobile phone, and/or an inadequate

oh this is such a funny story Durano!!!
I can picture his predicament :D
this reminds me of the time that I was with a friend who was taking photos with his mobile on our local bridge...he was so intent on getting the perfect photo that he ran into a street light and promptly knocked the mobile out of his hand into the water below :0
on another note..
thank you for your entry....so impressive!!! and so very moving...
I would not like to be in the judge's shoes for all the tea in China...
Daphne...is such a beautiful name... did you name your daughter after the the story of Daphne and Chloe?
it is one of my favourite myths :)
It is hilarious but very sad. People go to such lengths to "protect" their cell phones.
One friend said that he finds it absurd that most people (sometimes including myself) value their cell phones so much, up to the extent that they have it with them "at all times"; even much more than their spouses. Some even cry for their cell phones. We should remember not to attach too much value to these material things as they are just temporary. What is the use of a cell phone, if you lose your hand in the process of saving it? Just asking po.lol.
Very well written article as usual. Cheers.
Haaaaa! Good one, Durano!
He should have just answered the call of nature, indeed!
Poor guy! I'd be completely freaked out if I had the smelly waste of an unknown number of people on my hand!
This terrifying toilet tale is truly hilarious! :) I had no idea train toilets were so technical...
But in addition to being impractical, is the toilet not a highly tasteless place for a phone conversation? Though i doubt that notion ever entered this fellow's mind, and i hazzard to think he would nearly have been happier to retrieve his flushed phone more than his intact hand...
Hello Kim,
It is, what might be called, tragically funny. I'm sure all of us have experienced similar embarrassments at some point, but nothing like this.:-)
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I know it would be difficult to judge such a contest because each of the participants have personal attachments to their comments as it relates to some part of their lives. I don't envy the judge at all! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Jenaisle,
Attachment to material things has never been my predisposition. I am appalled by the way other people would be connected to their gadgets like it was necessary for their survival. It's just deplorable!
If you recall, there have been several incidents where people lost not only their hands but their lives, because of a cell phone. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Fitness Diva,
For all your posts about being fit, clean and healthy, and then to imagine yourself being in this guy's predicament is simply disconcerting.
This is something that can make anyone squeamish, what with all the germs, virus, bacteria, and what have you that's in there. Except of course those who work in sewers. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi r,
This is not exactly what is normally referred to as "toilet humor" but it comes quite close, doesn't it?
As to the toilet being a tasteless place for a conversation, well that depends. If he was talking dirty, then he was in the right place. LOL!
He retrieved his cell phone, true. But I wouldn't want to shake his hand for it as yet. :-) --Durano, done!
By the way Kim,
There was a question I failed to answer, about the name Daphne.
I got this name from Greek Mythology. Daphne is the nymph being chased by Apollo.
The one you mentioned is Daphnis and Chloe, a 2nd or 3rd century AD novel of Greek writer Longus. :-) --Durano, done!
ah thanks Durano...
Daphne and Apollo...a very romantic but tragic story indeed...
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