The city was established in 1893, and was named after Tsar Nicholas II. It has none of the natural resources that the country is heavily dependent upon for its economic engines, and no industrial areas nor factories either. What it has are universities and research institutes that produce a lot of creative ideas from people who refuse to be cowed, intimidated, nor demoralized by a global financial crisis. They are happy to meet the crisis head on - despite the minus 25 degree weather almost all year round.

However, after 118 years of existence, its small population may be an indication of a cold and calculating race of people. They may not be a very romantic lot - cold to one another and having difficulty warming up to a relationship - or are terribly inhibited by the cold that they fail to remove their clothes when in the process of fully expressing their love for each other.

To outsiders, their fondness for ice cream (a $200 million company business) presents a stunning image (300 shops in Novosibirsk alone selling nothing but ice cream). But it should come as no surprise since the land was buried in ice and that's all their grandparents had to live on for sometime, flavored by whatever comes with it. To this end, Inmarko pays tribute by coming up with popular flavors such as black pepper, ice cream with fish, and a flavor called Vampire - a small stake of aspen wood stabbed into the ice cream. It wouldn't be surprising if the highest priced flavor is cannabis and cream.
However, the world should credit them for going into such a venture in the midst of all that ice, and nurture a company that has dominated the Russian market. It lends credence to the concept that similarities exist within people from whatever part of the world.

The Russian taste buds are just different from the rest as attested to by preferred flavors. But the world can find comfort in the fact that on major issues, similarities are more pronounced - especially among the more powerful nations and those emerging powerful ones. These are : domination, hegemony, political expediency, self-interest and greed.
Perhaps nations of the world should share their ice cream instead - whatever flavors these are made of.
Wow. You painted such a vivid, icy picture of this cold, cold place!
However, as adventurous as I am, I'd be hesitant to put it on my 'must go there' list! ;)
But the creativity of those ice cream flavors definitely demands a bit of awe and respect, to say the least! Not that I'll be looking to try the vampire flavor anytime soon!
Hopefully they and all their ice cream shops will still thrive and survive in the midst of this global economic meltdown. After all, what would the world do without cannabis flavored ice cream? ;)
Really, ice cream, and to think it is very cold there and they still manufacture ice cream. Perhaps if it's here, it would not come as a surprise to me as this is a hot humid tropical country and we need ice cream to cool off.
Thanks for that vital information.
Cheers and happy holidays.
More people should keep their clothes on during the act, naked is not a good look for most people.
JUst catching up on your blog... from Costa Rica! I´m a dedicated reader!
The ice cream thing doesn´t surprise me, considering Canadians, of all people, are big fans too. However, we take off our clothes no problem! ;-)
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year Durano.
Hi Fitness Diva,
That was my wish too, that their ice cream doesn't suffer a meltdown, unlike the arctic ice.
I was wondering if they'd really do a cannabis flavored one but it does seem logical for them. Maybe they can export it to Holland. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Jena Isle,
This came as a surprise to me too. But looking back, i saw the logic behind it.
I just hope better similarities exist within all nations and peoples of the world than just ice cream.
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family too. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Zen,
I don't think that being unclothed during the act will be a problem for you though, but the obese, and their numbers are legion, can be disturbing when they disrobe.
Even more so for the elderly, the act of being naked alone is already a contraceptive. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Zhu,
I've been following your posts and your wonderful trip down south.
I agree with your comments about Canadians regarding ice cream and clothes. There's nothing like feeling all that skin, and the warmth it generates is enough to conquer the cold! He he-) -- Durano, done!
I wish you and all your readers a very Merry Christmas, a very Happy Chanukah, and a very Happy New Year
"Vive bene, spesso l'amore, di risata molto." Live well, love much, laugh often. This is an old Italian wish for you and your family this Christmas and the New Year ahead!
Hi DD2,
Thank you very much old pal. And I wish the same for you and your family.
I hope our world can live through the recession and spare an already battered world more misery. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Girl FAS,
Thank you very much. I have been living my life as you have expressed in Italian and I am quite happy with the results and the relationships I have built - with my own children, my partner, friends and associates.
Knowing this beautiful (though some may call it carefree and somewhat irresponsible) expression, i hope you have learned to apply it to yourself and find the right formula for its implementation. This is the way life should be lived. I wish the same for you. Merry Christmas to you and your two kids - your Mom and siblings.
Keep up the writing activity and thanks for dropping by. :-) --Durano, done!
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