Merry Christmas To Everyone!

To all my dearest friends, readers, regular commenters, Entrecard droppers, and all those who at one time or another participated in the discussions on this site; thank you and may the blessings of the season be with you.
For all those still struggling with tyranny and the oppression of their leaders, may the hope generated by the holidays uplift your spirits to continue the efforts for freedom and a better life.
To those we've known who suffer from hunger, disease, and deprivation that are aggravated by the wanton corruption, denial, incompetence, and abandonment by their leaders - may the joy of the Savior's birth heal you, nourish and strengthen you, and guide you to the fulfillment of even your simplest dreams.
For those who have lost their homes, property, savings, and the many more threatened by the same fate; may the essence of the holidays give you the endurance to proceed towards a life lived in simplicity, kindness, and the realization of the plight of those with a lot less than what you've had; and may your generosity towards your fellowmen, of whatever nation, race or religion, be enhanced by this experience that would lead to better understanding and co-existence.
For those who live in areas of war and conflict, may the spirit of Peace grace your orientation and settle into your sense of humanity, and make you realize that all races or religions have a lot more in common than differences - and that these differences are not threats to the existence of others if tolerance and understanding prevails in the spirit of Peace.
And may citizens of this planet we call Earth finally move as one under the realization that we are all brothers; and that this small piece of rock in the universe we call home, which is under attack from the abuse and unabated wasteful consumption of some of the most profligate members of mankind, finally find the light and guiding star to unite as one and save the only home we will ever have, and the only home we will ever know.
For all those still struggling with tyranny and the oppression of their leaders, may the hope generated by the holidays uplift your spirits to continue the efforts for freedom and a better life.
To those we've known who suffer from hunger, disease, and deprivation that are aggravated by the wanton corruption, denial, incompetence, and abandonment by their leaders - may the joy of the Savior's birth heal you, nourish and strengthen you, and guide you to the fulfillment of even your simplest dreams.
For those who have lost their homes, property, savings, and the many more threatened by the same fate; may the essence of the holidays give you the endurance to proceed towards a life lived in simplicity, kindness, and the realization of the plight of those with a lot less than what you've had; and may your generosity towards your fellowmen, of whatever nation, race or religion, be enhanced by this experience that would lead to better understanding and co-existence.
For those who live in areas of war and conflict, may the spirit of Peace grace your orientation and settle into your sense of humanity, and make you realize that all races or religions have a lot more in common than differences - and that these differences are not threats to the existence of others if tolerance and understanding prevails in the spirit of Peace.
And may citizens of this planet we call Earth finally move as one under the realization that we are all brothers; and that this small piece of rock in the universe we call home, which is under attack from the abuse and unabated wasteful consumption of some of the most profligate members of mankind, finally find the light and guiding star to unite as one and save the only home we will ever have, and the only home we will ever know.
I'm one of your entrecard-droppers and I want to wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
Thanks for entrecarddropping!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! Nice blog....looking forward to more in the coming year!
Hi my dear Blogger mate!
May all the good things happen to you too! =)
Happy Holidays and be merry!!!
Very profound and meaningful post left no stone un-turned...praying for our towns, States, country, for all citizens of the Earth...only God can turn it around...from my home to yours I pray blessings and good health abound.
Hope it was a Merry day yesterday. This post was fantastic. Awesome job.
Merry Xmas!
I wish you all the best for 2009. May you and those around you be happy and healthy!
Dearest Durano, I wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful and safe holiday season and many blessings for 2009.
I hope to be around more in the new year. My commitments online have grown over the last 6 months and have caused me to lose touch with many friends. I'm looking forward to the new year.
Happy Holiday, Durano! :)
Beautiful post!
A blessed Christmas and a peaceful new year to you and your family! :)
a beautiful post Durano !!
and in the true spirit of Christmas :)
may all you wish for be realised in the coming year...
I believe it is going to be a good one ..
enjoy your holidays and cheers to a very Happy New Year for you and your family :))
No one can write it meaningfully like you do Durano. Awesome post! Merry Christmas and a happy new year too.
Brad, Outstanding Post.....I hope you had a great Christmans and wish you and yours a very prosperous New Year....stay well....
Brad, Outstanding Post.....I hope you had a great Christmans and wish you and yours a very prosperous New Year....stay well....
may you and your family have a safe, happy and peaceful new year.
Well said!
Best wishes in 2009!
Thanks ...
What a lovely post ~
Best wishes to us all in 2009!
Happy New Year to you and yours and please be safe MY Friend
Just dropping by to wish you a Happy New Year!
Health and success to you in 2009!
Fitness Diva
well said, "Brad"!
may 2009 be a challenging yet fulfilling one for us all!
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year
Hi Laane,
Thank you very much for the wish and for being a regular dropper. I believe I too am a regular dropper in your site.
Happy New Year to you too and I hope that the first 2 weeks of 2009 finds you well...and if so, may this continue to improve for the rest of the year! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi L.Venkata Subramaniam,
Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for the kind words, and I wish that this year be better for you and for everyone as well. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Sher, my dearest bloggermate,
Happy New Year to you too and may the best things and events transpire for you this year.
Nice new avatar you have...and you have gained good looking pounds too!
Thanks for the wishes and be Merry as always! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Amy,
Thank you very much Amy, coming from you makes it so pleasing and enjoyable to read.
I had an extended vacation to extract my mind and body and spirit of all the toxic events and tasks undertaken in 2008.
Thanks for the wish and I wish you great health and a lot more happiness for 2009. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Susan,
I had a very Merry Christmas, thank you...and I hope you had too.
Thanks for the kind words... it's a wish that I have always wanted to truly transpire but remains elusive.
The first 2 weeks of the year have already been damaged by the Gaza conflict. However, there are still 52 weeks to work on to get there. Thanks for dropping by. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Zhu, My Frankest and Most candid friend,
Thanks for the New Year wish...I hope you had a great time in South America - which I expect to read about in your site after I complete all the backlog I have from the extended vacation I took in the beaches of Boracay.
Happy New Year to you and your partner and everyone else around the two of you. May you never get tired of traveling so that your readers - myself included - will always have nice photos of the sites around the world that comes with a treat of historical background and contemporary information plus cultural and social annotations as well. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Ange,
Thanks for dropping by. I can understand your commitments and have read what it contributes to others. I am a regular lurker in your site you know. :-)
You don't have to worry about me, I will always be your friend and I will never lose sight of the somewhat instant connection we made at the outset...when we first began to communicate.
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. :-) --Durano, done!
HI Fitness Diva,
Happy New Year to you too!
I will have to visit your site more often as I have gained a few pounds after 3 weeks of frolicking in the sands of the best beach in the world - Boracay!
I did a quick glance and I saw a couple of lessons in your site on weight loss...he he he
I suppose you will attend the inauguration of President Obama - I will attend too, on TV :-)
I hope all works out well with you (pun intended) :-)-- Durano, done!
HI KCee,
Thanks for the kind words. A peaceful and fruitful New Year to you, your princess, and your entire family too.
Have you done new sketches lately? I hope to see you do more this year! :-) --Durano, done!
Hello Kim,
Thanks for the kind words. These have always been with me for 3 decades and I have the same wish every year - especially after a particularly difficult engagement in a foreign country wracked by violence or neglect.
The first 2 weeks of the year have already been marred by war and the world has 52 weeks to make these wishes come true. Even if only half of it transpires, that would be success enough.
I hope the holidays were enjoyable and fruitful for you. I took an extended vacation with the kids and the only thing that brought me back to the workplace was running out of funds :-)
I still haven't found a new home and house hunting will commence immediately after I complete my "response" backlog and reciprocal obligations, he he he. It's been too long i guess, and I'm guilty of neglecting my blog as well :-)
Happy New Year Kim - and to the rest of your family. Being the winner in your contest was the best thing that ever happened to me in 2008! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Jena,
Thanks for the compliment. Happy New Year to you too! I haven't been around awhile and my office personnel were kind enough to drop cards occasionally during my absence.
There is that item of your story I still have to do. I will not let the week pass without accomplishing that commitment. Happy Year of the Ox to you! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Tapline,
Thanks for the compliment on the post. I have missed visiting your site too, and I resolve to do that with more regularity this year.
I did have a wonderful holiday; Christmas was excellent and New Year was greeted with a bang. I hope yours went very well too.Happy New Year Tap. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Desperateblogger,
Thanks. And I hope the entire year will find you and your family in good health, good fortune, and good family ties that remain strong in your lifetime and beyond...and may that lifetime be a long long time from this year. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Zen, My Very First Commenter,
Thanks. You express your thoughts with a lot of charm, wit, and biting commentary yourself - and I'm certainly one of your fans.
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones too, your future beau (if there's one forthcoming soon), and everyone around you you consider a true friend - and may this happiness remain throughout 2009! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Dawn,
Thanks for the comment. Happy New Year to you...and may the whole of 2009 find the entire planet happy, peaceful, free, and co-existing in harmony! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi DD2,
Happy New Year to you too and thanks for the wishes my good friend.
You did an awesome job for the party you believed in and I have a lot of respect for your loyalty, tenacity, and zeal.
Despite the difference in our political choices by way of candidates, I continue to regard you as my friend and I know you feel the same way. Things written in general terms have not been taken personally by me. Anyway, the choice was with the voters.
Thanks for calling by and be safe and happy for the entire year my friend. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Again Fitness Diva,
I'll really need that health wish for the new year. Happy New Year to you too. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Lynne,
Happy New Year and may that happiness remain with you till the end of 2009!
Thanks for the compliment. And yes, may this year be challenging but may we also all be up to the challenge and work on these with the interest and benefit of everyone in mind. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi TH,
Thanks. I did have a wonderful Christmas and a joyous New Year greeted like crazy with firecrackers.
A great year ahead of you and for all those you love and consider your true friends. :-) --Durano, done!
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