Revolutions belong to the young, those who refuse to yield to the boundaries and limitations laid out by elders who hold power; and who stifle their freedom to express their concept of what is right for their generation. These are achievers who are not content with choices dictated by commercial interests, but rather adhere to function and adaptability; yet are denied the power to access resources that would fulfill their dreams which defy long held assumptions and conventions. These young revolutionaries are the Inoventors.

A core group of very young, talented, and adventurous Filipinos whose audacity is molded in idealism and tempered by nationalistic fervor have launched an Inovention Revolution that will install the Philippines to a position of global leadership in consumer electronics technology. Innovation and invention are their driving forces, and they have set up a company (Inovent Inc.) that unveiled the first true LCD Interactive Television. These young men see only a future where true convergence exists, unbound by various meshes of business ecosystems catering only to specific interest groups. Their optimism generates enough energy to break whatever challenge is brought their way; their enthusiasm and belief in what they have begun is more than enough to raise a groundswell of adherents and supporters.

The product, dubbed "ilumina", is a television set with the power and brain of a personal computer. It has a flat 32 inch LCD display screen, a 1 terrabyte hard drive, and a multimedia center that allows owners to listen to music, see movies, watch and record TV shows and surf the web. It has a USB port, is wifi enabled, plus a video camera that eliminates the need for separate players and multiple connections. It is compatible with any type of keyboard including the mac wireless keypad. The "gadget" represents the changing lifestyles of today's generation and those emerging multimedia users of the future. It is a revolution in industrial design spawned by functionality, substance, divergence and physical
aesthetics that addresses the unspoken demands of an undefined constituency; large enough to create a major market, but ignored by traditional manufacturers whose concerns are focused on the mutual benefits shared with their ecosystem partners.
Exponents of the Inovent Revolution who created the "ilumina" targeted the 30th of November for the unveiling of the product, for it represents the anniversary of the Birth of the Philippine Revolution against foreign domination represented by Spain in 1896. The launch was held at Fully Booked on Bonifacio Avenue in Global city. The leader of the 1896 Philippine Revolution was Andres Bonifacio, for whom the street was named - who was a young and idealistic Filipino who dared raise the cry for freedom more than a century ago. The choice of Global City may not be coincidental as this revolutionary product is destined for global leadership.

The first revolution was a failure, and Filipinos had to endure American and Japanese rule which ended in 1946, but only on paper. Its economic policies, foreign policies and commercial activities remain foreign dominated. The "ilumina" is a historic inovention that champions the Filipino idea, the Filipino ingenuity, capability, creativity, management expertise, and multi-disciplinary harmony in creating synergy that is competitive and world class. These revolutionaries seek support and ask Filipinos to invest in inovention, invest in ilumina, and to invest in Filipino pride.

The revolution has begun and it is headed towards a victorious destination. All it requires is the sustaining power that comes from the patronage of its countrymen in terms of venture capital and subsequent product acquisition. Success is imminent, freedom is on the horizon, and honor for Filipinos globally is at hand. It cannot be prevented. Unless, Filipinos themselves turn their backs and opt for foreign created products that will once again abandon the revolution and leave its proponents to become orphaned non-entities. Should this transpire, the Filipinos shall be doomed to enslavement for one hundred more years. Heaven forbid!

The product, dubbed "ilumina", is a television set with the power and brain of a personal computer. It has a flat 32 inch LCD display screen, a 1 terrabyte hard drive, and a multimedia center that allows owners to listen to music, see movies, watch and record TV shows and surf the web. It has a USB port, is wifi enabled, plus a video camera that eliminates the need for separate players and multiple connections. It is compatible with any type of keyboard including the mac wireless keypad. The "gadget" represents the changing lifestyles of today's generation and those emerging multimedia users of the future. It is a revolution in industrial design spawned by functionality, substance, divergence and physical

Exponents of the Inovent Revolution who created the "ilumina" targeted the 30th of November for the unveiling of the product, for it represents the anniversary of the Birth of the Philippine Revolution against foreign domination represented by Spain in 1896. The launch was held at Fully Booked on Bonifacio Avenue in Global city. The leader of the 1896 Philippine Revolution was Andres Bonifacio, for whom the street was named - who was a young and idealistic Filipino who dared raise the cry for freedom more than a century ago. The choice of Global City may not be coincidental as this revolutionary product is destined for global leadership.

The first revolution was a failure, and Filipinos had to endure American and Japanese rule which ended in 1946, but only on paper. Its economic policies, foreign policies and commercial activities remain foreign dominated. The "ilumina" is a historic inovention that champions the Filipino idea, the Filipino ingenuity, capability, creativity, management expertise, and multi-disciplinary harmony in creating synergy that is competitive and world class. These revolutionaries seek support and ask Filipinos to invest in inovention, invest in ilumina, and to invest in Filipino pride.

The revolution has begun and it is headed towards a victorious destination. All it requires is the sustaining power that comes from the patronage of its countrymen in terms of venture capital and subsequent product acquisition. Success is imminent, freedom is on the horizon, and honor for Filipinos globally is at hand. It cannot be prevented. Unless, Filipinos themselves turn their backs and opt for foreign created products that will once again abandon the revolution and leave its proponents to become orphaned non-entities. Should this transpire, the Filipinos shall be doomed to enslavement for one hundred more years. Heaven forbid!
Hoorah! :)
Well done!
I guess True Freedom lies in one's spirit and soul!
May they succeed!
Many South East Asian countries, as well as Asia and Latin America have a young population and I believe they are bound to innovate and revolutionize the world in a few years.
well good for them Durano!!
I hope it becomes an international sell out :)
I'll have to check with my son to see if his computer store knows about this exciting product :)
I like the created term inovention. Innovation and invention all in one. The discovery of Filipino scientists and inventors have been stymied in the past due to several reasons; one of them is lack of government support. These are innovations that the government should support and be proud of.
Hooray for the Ilumina!
Hi Sher, My good friend,
Yes! The first truly multi-functional home appliance for leisure and work that defines the habits of today's youth and emerging generations.
I agree, true freedom lies in one's spirit and soul. There it can NEVER be killed.
Hooray for Asians! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Zhu,
What we're seeing worldwide is a changing of the guards brought on by the younger generation who have become impatient with the smugness, at times, and self importance of the baby boomer generation.
I am fully convinced they can succeed, and I will do what I can and more to see that they do. Thanks for calling by. :-) --Durano, done!
Hello Kim,
I'm afraid your son will not find it yet in any store. What was unveiled in Manila was a prototype which was far better looking than what Steven Jobs released as a prototype of his Macintosh. Of course, that was almost 4 decades ago, LOL! Improvements are expected...he he he.
I think they will need venture capitalists to set it up in a mass production facility.Thanks for dropping by. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Jena Isle,
These are very independent and achievement oriented young men with a lot of drive that's not mainly fueled by testosterone; and will to win that's formidable.
Support from everyone is needed, but to rely on government is wishful thinking...we all know what comes out of that source.
I'm hoping the "ilumina" will light the way for other young achievers. A single product company will not have a long corporate life, and the need to create will always be valuable. :-) --Durano, done!
It looks very promising. If you didn't mention that it is a prototype, I wouldn't have know that. It looks good to be the final product. I do hope that some venture capitalists will also see the potential of this product and help their own people to bring it to the next level.
I salute these youngsters who are standing out to create a different from their action. At time when things are bad, people can easily lose their faiths.
This is really, really exciting!
I wish them all the success, and much respect for deciding to conquer the world of technology with their new invention. Yes, why always be the consumer? Be the innovator! I live that ideal myself! ;)
Heck, I think I'll be needing one of those.... ;)
Hi BK,
It does look promising and something really different from all the home theater systems available in the market. They have already patented the entire thing.
This is an effort that is borne out of the weariness of consumers on the products being put out by manufacturers that forced them to buy several items rather than incorporate these in one. And the fact that, like cell phones, all those add-ons like video, photo, music, radio, could have all been included in the very first product launched.
These young men do not see the bad and go out to repair it, they see what good there still is and go out to enhance it. That's the was I believe things should be done. It is moving forward and full of positivity. Thanks for dropping by. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Fitness Diva,
You're very right about these guys being in the same vein as you are in innovation. I've seen what your health and fitness blog has done to be totally different and more involved with the human side of the issue rather than just building muscles and reducing weight.
Sometimes, the manufacturers get so enamored with their piecemeal offerings and the profits these generates that they lose track of the full range of needs of consumers. Well, these young men have taken it upon themselves to build something for their generation's lifestyles, and hoooray to that - and for you too. :-)-- Durano, done!
Here is my personal opinion on the product Ilumina as I've seen on ANC's TV program - The Explainer and as I've read it in this article/blog.
This response is divided into two sections:
(I)Response to the Author and, (II)Response to the product - Ilumina
After reading this article, it seems that the author was so emotional and so emphatic about Ilumina that he firmly believed that it will pave the way for the Philippines to become a global leader in consumer electronics technology.
We will become a global leader if we really have true "innovations/inventions" that we can produce and not just an old concept that we try to make it as "revolutionary" or "innovative" as what the author and the Inovention team were trying to impart. I think the author was over emphatic because Ilumina is made by Filipinos or is it just because he has no idea that the concept is nothing new. But I doubt the latter since the author is a blogger, he must know techie stuff.
So maybe he was emphatic because it is made by Filipinos? But so what if it is made by Filipinos? Ilumina is nothing new and Filipinos manufacturing electronics is obviously one of our nation's industry a long time ago! I used to have an old CD-ROM drive that my uncle brought with him from the US and as I installed it in my PC I saw that it was made in the Philippines. I also used to have an old video card that has electronic components marked as made in the Philippines. So why didn't they receive "revolutionary" praises as what the author is giving Ilumina? Simple, because the companies that made them were foreign firms with their manufacturing plants on Philippine soil. In short, foreign technology - local work force. No Filipino technology, no Filipino innovation, just plain business strategy.
Now you may be saying "Ilumina is made by Filipinos from design to manufacturing", and I will also quote the Inovention team that presented Ilumina on ANC's The Explainer program as saying, "that all components of Ilumina will be made by us (Inovention team)", do these things make Ilumina revolutionary and Inovention team revolutionaries? NO, NO and NO!
Whichever angle you will try to see it, as I've said, it is nothing new! I also doubt the Inovention team as to manufacturing all components for Ilumina by themselves. By that, I presume that they will make their own integrated circuits (ICs), their own LCD panels, their own speakers, etc.. Are they kidding? They're just still a fledgling company with one product which its future is not yet clear and now they will try to manufacture all components? It will require massive amounts of money to acquire all the necessary technologies and tools to manufacture all components for Ilumina. Are these guys clouded with their "Philippine pride" as not to see the surely cheaper and effective business model of outsourcing components? If the trend of foreign firms is design in-house and manufacture overseas, why wouldn't Inovention team do that too? In their case, design in-house and outsource their components first. They are too optimistic I guess. Optimism is good as long as it will not cloud reality.
We can also become a global leader even if we really don't have "innovative" products by attracting more foreign electronics companies to invest here just what like China is doing but with emphasis on high level of "quality control" so that when they see a product that is "Made in the Philippines", it will spell "quality".
I don't understand why the author was proclaiming this product as revolutionary and the Inovention team as revolutionaries that he emphasized and tried to connect Philippine revolutions to this product and to these men. He also said that revolution has begun and if this revolution would fail, Filipinos shall be enslaved again. It seems that the author doesn't like things foreign that if us consumers would not support Ilumina, enslavement will befall us. No one will enslave us. We are free. A foreign electronic device will not enslave us. The reliance on foreign things will not enslave us. These things were not made to enslave anyone. We should be thankful that we were allowed to have access to these technologies or else we will still be living in the Stone Age. If the author feels enslaved by using foreign technologies, he can always throw them.
Being nationalistic is good, but bringing out nationalism when reviewing a product is improper. I think it will not do Inovention any good since we will be buying Ilumina because it is made by fellow Filipinos and not because it is a wonderful product. Inovention should not also say that we should invest in Filipino pride because it is business not a national Philippine team for electronics. What I'm trying to say is that they should never ever bring up "Philippine pride drama" instead be real entrepreneurs and focus on quality and real "innovation" to sell their product.
We consumer must also set aside our sentiments first so that we will not be ripped off by a mediocre product. I am not saying Ilumina is mediocre since it has not yet been tested but all I'm saying is that we should set nationalism aside in reviewing a product in order to have the most objective and honest assessment. With this kind of attitude, Inovention will know that Filipinos are wise consumers therefore they really need to push themselves to have a truly "innovative" and high quality product.
In fairness to Inovention, they can be called revolutionaries on the perspective that if their "revolution" is about getting other Filipinos to pursue product development especially in information and communications technologies and consumer electronics or hi-tech companies so to speak. I know there are many Filipinos with brilliant minds, Filipinos that look ahead, Filipinos with strong entrepreneurial spirit with desire to create and manufacture their own hi-tech products or services that don't know where to start or skepticism take them over first; or they may just be waiting for someone to take the first step. If these first steps are being made by Inovention and that these steps will lead them to success, I'm sure it will inspire these brilliant Filipinos to do the same.
Innovation (noun) - the introduction of something new
By the very definition of the word innovation, ILUMINA is nowhere INNOVATIVE or REVOLUTIONARY.
As the author wrote, "the Ilumina is a television set with the power and brain of a personal computer (PC)". With this statement, it is obvious that it is not innovative and also the concept of interactive TV has been introduced a long time ago. Basically, Ilumina is just a computer that is integrated to a LCD monitor with a fancy design.
During the presentation of Ilumina by the Inovention group on ANC's TV program, The Explainer, they stated that ilumina will have "TiVo" like functionality. Which simply means that part of its design will be based on TiVo. Where is the innovation in this?
Ilumina is nothing new but is proclaimed to be that way. It will have a hard time selling itself. Here is why.
Ilumina is categorized as an interactive TV that can play music, movies, record TV shows and surf the web.
My laptop computer can do these things. If I do need to watch my videos in my laptop in a big screen, there is TV-Out that I can connect to our LCD widescreen TV. Having Ilumina will be redundant.
I'm sure it will be marketed to mainstream consumers and these mainstream consumers have a laptop or desktop computer or both. Why would they buy Ilumina if they can just buy a standard 32" LCD TV or even bigger then connect their PC into it then watch movies, play music, surf the net and record TV shows too.
You may say that because it is integrated into one unit therefore less cables and less cables mean less headaches.
Then you should just buy a Network Media Tank (NMT) like the Popcorn Hour, HDX-1000, TVix NMT, Istar NMT, HDI Dune HD Center, etc.. They can play all media files even high definition formats and they also have decoders for the latest surround sound formats like Dolby True HD and DTS HD. NMTs are small and compact and they have less cables too and are more flexible since you can choose a better display to view your movies unlike the integrated solution of Ilumina.
Ilumina's design of integrating the PC component to the LCD itself is not very wise. Why? Do you remember the time when VCRs are integrated into the TV itself? Does that kind of design still exists today or if they do, are they popular? No. Why? Simple, because it takes away the flexibility of portability of the VCR player since it is integrated to the TV itself. You don't want to carry the whole TV if you would only need to take the VCR player to a friend's house right? In this case, what if you decided to watch all of your movies and play all of your music at your friend's house who happens to have a big widescreen LCD TV and high-end home theater system, you have no option but to carry the LCD TV as well. The integration of several components is usually only effective if the product itself requires to be portable and not a stationary device like the Ilumina.
So you might say, I have an iPod, I will just download all my media files from Ilumina into it. That is right, you have an iPod and modern LCD TVs have USB ports so that you can watch and listen saved media from your iPod or other media player into the LCD TV directly. So what is Ilumina for?
If you want total flexibility that can do what Ilumina does, then buy a Home Theater PC or HTPC. They can be bought for 15K pesos or less. You have total flexibility and portability. Most HTPCs are small and it is upgradable. You can install a better video card if you want to play games. Slap in a video capture card that can be had for 3K pesos or less then you can record TV shows then burn it to a CD or DVD. If you want more storage, you can buy another set of hard drives. For the movie buffs who really want to enjoy movies in all its glory, there are high definition movie projectors that can be had for 50K pesos or less.
There are so many alternatives to this Ilumina that will offer much bang for the buck. I know that Ilumina is still a prototype and Inovention group should make revisions in its design and they should really come up with something new. With these said, Ilumina is not INNOVATIVE and REVOLUTIONARY but a fancy product.
Dear Filipino,
I want to address this to the person who watched ANC and shared a very long insight about the Inovent team and the ilumina.
My dream is to have Made in the Philippines finally come true. And now, we have the opportunity to start. Initially, we shall seek support from other Global brands to provide the parts for the ilumina. But all in all, we will do as much as we can in PEZA. My goal is to eventually have 70-80% designed & manufactured in PEZA.
As for the concept, it is not new. The key to inovention is not to be 5 years ahead, but to be 1 to 2 years ahead of the market. As you can see, LCD TVs are starting to incorporate internet. The trend is leading that way. We are just leapfrogging the trend. In academic terms, we are called a Disruptive Innovation.
We don't have our own Sony and Samsung. Now is the time to start.
I dream that the ilumina and Inovent Electronics will do the following; 1) Bring back all the top executives working in Global brands to come back home. This is already happening in India, China,& Vietnam. 2) Develop more jobs in PEZA Zone that will not rely on foreign companies, but instead, rely on local companies with a Global demand. 3) To champion the ideas of our best Industrial Designers, Engineers, & Software Developers. And 4) To build a Global Brand that will rival Samsung,Sony,& Apple.
For those who don't believe, remember... all Global companies started from one person with just a simple idea. WE WILL DO IT!
Brian Quebengco
Chief Inoventor
Inovent, Inc.
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