Spiderman and Mary Jane have split up and have chosen to forget each other. After 21 years of marriage, you'd think the couple had settled down to a life of eternal bliss. No such thing! At the very least, you'd expect them to mature at 40 plus years old. Not a chance! And we will continue to see Spiderman jumping and swinging all over the place like he was a spring chicken; no facial lines, no flabs, no arthritis, full hair, all muscle and six pack abs.
My first reaction to the split was: "Does he have cobwebs in his brain? Did his kids have 8 legs and fancied eating insects? Or did Mary Jane give him a high he hasn't quite come down from?"
The story is that Spidey's Aunt May was seriously injured in an attack, and husband and wife agreed reluctantly to a deal with Mephisto, where everyone's memory about their relationship will be erased; in exchange for getting Aunt May on her feet again. They forget about each other, and he goes ahead with new adventures and how he used to do things, in a freewheeling , single guy mode. The original creator, Stan Lee, had nothing to do with this plot but was happy with the development. New twists have to be introduced to a character to retain the interest and patronage of readers.
The story line is patched with sacrifice to save a life, perhaps to appease the conservatives who may not take too kindly to the "technical divorce" of their

There have been revisions of story lines in the past like the Death of Superman in the mid-ninety's; the rework on Iron Man; and, the death of Captain America; only to return to the original track due to the volume of negative reactions received. Sales will eventually determine the feasibility of changing or adding twists and turns in the character, or perhaps to seek new readers to replace their aging patrons. Also, the readiness of the mainstream media to indulge developments in pop culture normally raises interest, and merchandising of the character heightens up enthusiasm that keeps the cash register constantly ringing.

I hope she shacks up with Prince William instead. That'll teach Spiderman!
This line was classic!
"Feminists too may be offended by this act and may dismiss Spiderman as a philandering middle aged pig."
Did you like the movie Mystery Men?
Hi Zen. Unfortunately I didn't see that film "Mystery Men". It wasn't shown here. I'm sure though that a DVD version can be obtained. I'll get a copy based on your recommendation. Ha ha.
Thanks for the comment and for dropping by once again. --Durano, done!
I have to admit I did not realize you were not in the US until recently. Only when I noticed the flag in my web stats, did I make the connection, lol.
Mystery Men is not high art but if you like Ben Stiller, it is a funny parody of all these superhero movies.
That's even more reason for me to get the film! I do like Ben Stiller, and if he parodies the superheroes in his fumbling, dopey kind of way; that would be really funny. Thanks.
I am in the Philippines, but this blog takes me everywhere in the world! Its a place where distance doesn't really matter; ideas ,values, experience sharing, and honesty are the ones that matter. Stay well and stay nice.--Durano, done!
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