Inhabitants of nudist colonies are traditionally amiable people, proud of displaying themselves like the day they were born in their current bodies - decrepit or otherwise. So when the Brazilian government plane chanced upon inhabitants close to the Peruvian border who reacted with apparent hostility, they realized they came upon an "uncontacted tribe" in the Amazon, indigenous people thought to have had no contact with outsiders; one of a hundred tribes believed to exist worldwide.
Researchers released aerial photos of these jungle dwellers aiming their bows and arrows at the small aircraft, which they may have thought to be a large bird that could provide them with a feast for many days. Or, they may have felt threatened by its strangeness and proximity and reacted to protect themselves. The Brazilian government has discovered four such tribes in the last 20 years. Fiona Watson from the campaign group Survival International provided clues about their way of life.
The thatched houses are called Malocas or communal houses. These are raised from the ground and used for socializing, cooking, or preparing the dyes for body paint. The white bundle could be cotton, planted or harvested wild and woven into garments they wear, as well as for hammocks. The beige object near the cotton is a basket used for gathering cotton and food. The men in the photo use bows made from hardwood, which they employ for hunting animals. They wear red dye as body paint made from seeds of a fruit similar to horse chestnut.The body paint may be an expression of aggression. The black figure may be that of a woman in black body paint made from fruit. The series of structures are hidden at a deeper portion of the forest to avoid detection, while the larger ones are for socializing and other communal tasks. Evidence of cultivation around the camp is seen as gardening for Manioc, a tuber which may be their staple food.
The Indian Foundation of Brazil fears that all inhabitants are in serious danger of being forced off, killed, or decimated by new diseases. Illegal logging in Peru threatens to push several uncontacted groups towards the Brazilian border where potential conflicts with about 500 uncontacted indians are settled. Stephen Cory of Survival International expressed the need to protect the inhabitants and their environment from intrusion by the outside world in accordance with International Law. He warned that the world needs to wake up to this reality, otherwise these people would soon be made extinct.
The area should be kept secret from Hillary Clinton, who might claim the tribe to be of American origin and have them support her in the primaries. She could even have a few declared as her super delegate endorsers. It is actually people like Hillary Clinton who should be made extinct. Or, perhaps forced to live among the tribes to learn the basic values of comradeship and the elements of survival in a different jungle with characteristics similar to her Washington milieu. On the other hand, there is danger that she will contaminate the tribe with her congenital nature, and they would resort to killing each other off for power. What could be worse than that?
Parallelisms with Czar Nicolas and Queen Alexandra's removal from power may be evident in the unceremonious fall from grace of Nepal's King Gyanendra. The demolishing shame and crushing humiliation of dethronement, and subsequent abolition of the monarchy by a kingdom turned hostile by abuse, is the ultimate debasement of one who was once regarded as an incarnation of an ancient god. He will live out the rest of his life as an ordinary citizen, follow the laws enacted by his former subjects, lose all titles and entitlements, and pay taxes. After 238 years of Monarchy, Nepal's king has been asked to vacate his palace in two weeks. Nepal was an absolute monarchy until 1991, when then King Birendra, Gyanendra's brother, was forced to accept a constitutional monarchy and establish a multi-party parliament. A communist uprising erupted in 1996, from a desire to replace the parliamentary system with a socialist republic, resulting in a civil war that the government could not contain. Then in 2001, Crown Prince Dipendra killed his parents and then himself, in what was known as the Royal massacre, described as a violent reaction to their objection of his choice of wife. Doubts exist about this angle, but following this incident, Gyanendra inherited the throne of a country wracked by a communist insurgency and massive poverty. King Gyanendra thought his brother was soft for giving up absolute power, and he blamed the failure of quelling the insurgency on the government structure. On the advise of supporters of absolute monarchy, he launched a Royal coup and dismissed Nepal's elected government in 2002. A year later when the peace talks with the communist rebels collapsed, he declared a State of Emergency and sent the Royal troops to fight the communists. All this time, King Gyanendra's iron rule lost support among the people, aided in a substantial way by an extraordinarily rich lifestyle for an excruciatingly poor nation.
King Gyanendra appointed a series of Prime Ministers until finally taking full control in 2005 himself. In 2006, weks of protests by hundreds of thousands of demonstrations paralyzed Nepal and crippled its economy further. The communists gained control of most of the country and conducted blockades of entry points to the capitol Kathmandu. The king was forced to reinstate parliament and return sovereignty to the elected officials of the Constitutional Monarchy. But the people were so incensed that Parliament working in stages, first voted to declare Nepal a secular state; then in 2007 replaced Provisions Regarding the King in its constitution for Provisions for Head of State; then finally voted to abolish the monarchy and declare the country a Federal Republic in May 28, 2008. The King will suffer the added indignity of having his face removed from Nepal's currency, as with the removal of all his staff and allowances. While he will be allowed to live in the country and not forced into exile, his loss of authority and loss of face may embolden others to openly treat him with scorn, or worse, assault him. But such is the fate of all tyrants who turn a blind eye on the needs of their people and focus only on satisfying their lust for power, including all the material benefits that come with it, by the mere force of their absolute authority. He now lives among the people who consider him an undesirable relative who is such an embarrassment to be allowed to live, but so pathetic to execute.
It took only six years of his rule to bring the monarchy to a close. Today, anyone in Nepal heard to utter the words "Long Live the King" can be expected to follow that announcement with deriding laughter and hooting calls.
For all its technological wizardry and space age capabilities, NASA's International Space Station is now comparable to a third world country's rural toilet facilities - it stinks. The space agency has verified reports that the facility has failed, adding that the astronauts have an urgent need for spare parts. NASA may have hit the technical need fully, but missed the human need completely. The immediate need is actually for a working urinal so they could relieve themselves. Otherwise, they would be quivering out there in space for want of getting their bladders emptied. The problem lies with the fan that draws liquids into the waste chamber before it is ejected into the atmosphere to burn. Thankfully, the Russian made toilet can handle solids, but disposal of liquids is proving impossible. Waste disposal has always been a problem in space because gravity fed systems do not work in orbit. Air pressure is used to suck waste from the toilet. At the moment, one can only imagine days old urine floating inside the space station, and no one should be having diarrhea until the system is fixed. This problem with orbital plumbing happened once in 1984 when Shuttle astronauts had to urinate on plastic bags and store them on board. The malfunctioning toilet developed urine icicles that were damaging heat resistant tiles. No one was reported to have mistaken these for popsicle treats though. But it is inconceivable to think that man goes out into space exploration with all the sophistication he can muster, yet fail at the most ordinary system that would serve the astronauts needs. And what will astronauts do when the solid waste disposal malfunctions too, hold it all in?
This fantasy with space stations, involving tons of physical and financial resources when these could be used to solve the many problems we still face on earth, seems rather senseless. The rationale for exploration is to conduct scientific research that cannot be done on the planet, or a place for business to produce materials in better forms, or as staging points for expeditions to other planets to build colonies and cities to reduce overpopulation on earth. But all these are only for the moneyed class who are a tiny minority. The rest of the world will not be able to afford such dreams. By the time they accomplish these, Earth's deprived resources and damaged systems would have obliterated half the population.
What follows exploration? Conquest? If there are beings in other parts of the universe as the Vatican implies, are we going on a Crusade against them? Can we be victorious or will it only succeed in bringing them here to annihilate all humans? If the program of colonization can be achieved in 30 years, we should make John McCain commander of the flagship spacecraft. He would be more than willing to extend the space war for a hundred years. Provided, he is not shot down and breaks both his arms and a leg as he ejects. They will probably torture him with young maidens without any provision for viagra.
Scott McClellan, former White House Press Secretary, has accused the Bush Administration of "being mired in propaganda and political spin, and at times playing loose with the truth". He cites National Security advisers confusing propaganda with candor, and how he was deceived into passing along a falsehood which he didn't realize until reporters dug up the truth. How he lied about the leak of Valerie Plame's name to the media because the Bush Administration was twisting facts to justify the War in Iraq which, Valerie's husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson went public with. All these proved fatal to his ability to serve the President well, wrote McClelland in a 341 page book to be released on Monday. The White House reacted in typical fashion. White House Spokeswoman Dana Perino says "We're puzzled. This is not the Scott we knew", as if to imply that Scott is being pressured to lie. Frances Townsend adds that the revelation is "self-serving, disingenuous, and unprofessional". Former White House Adviser Karl Rove gave his standard reply as something that sounds more like it "was written by a left wing blogger than a former colleague". None of these statements confirm or deny McClellan's accusations in the book. The reactions complete a pattern of: (a) expressing surprise, (b) moral indignation to cast aspersions on intent, (c) and labeling to dismiss any serious discussion or debate on the subject. Scott's revelations doesn't come as a surprise. These were mentioned by people a few years back when it seemed unpatriotic to do so, that was how the propaganda went. Former White House Counterterrorism Chief Richard Clarke said the same things, that it was a disastrous war and was sold with deception; and they said to him the same things they are saying to McClellan now.
In a related development, three network anchors agreed that the Bush Administration put extraordinary pressure on the media during the run up to the Iraq war. Brian Williams (NBC), Katie Couric (CBS), and Charles Gibson (ABC). Williams cites media's inability to verify the administration's allegations independently and that they didn't have proximity with the weapons inspectors. As it turns out, allegations of weapons of mass destruction were fantasies of the Bush Government. He mentioned that reports on the war were asked to hew to the administration's scripted line which were relayed by the White House and the Pentagon to news organizations. Couric added that threats of being blocked access to information were also issued if they didn't comply.
As far as the information provided by Scott is concerned, most, if not all, of what he said have already been accepted and absorbed by those who oppose the war. It is only those who are fanatical about the party who continue to be in denial, and force themselves to consume the excrement being dished out by the Bush Administration. But this is beyond Bush. This will only hurt John McCain whose vow to continue with the war is weakened by the fact that it was based on a lie. Will McCain continue to spend money and risk lives for a lie? His political asset is now a liability. As for Scott McClellan, the only reason he has made this expose is obvious, there is a market for it. And his timing is perfect too especially if he looks to get even with the Republicans. As far as swallowing the line that he was deceived, only fools would believe that. Unless he was too dumb to see the evidence of the truth since 2003, which is why he only resigned in 2006. And old sea adage says it all. "You know that the vessel is sinking when the rats start jumping ship". Scott McClellan is no hero, he's just one of the rats.
Thirty nine weeks after assuming the minefield post as Canada's Foreign Minister, Maxime Bernier has resigned, leaving behind a trail of diplomatic gaffes and blunders. The resignation is about failure to uphold standards regarding government documents, insists Prime Minister Stephen Harper, regardless of who the minister is, regardless of his personal life. Bernier admitted to leaving secret NATO briefing documents at his "Ex-girlfriend's" apartment in April, a relationship he claimed was over after questions were continuously raised about the propriety of maintaining personal relations with one who has links to organized criminal groups. Julie Couillard came to prominence when Bernier was promoted by PM Harper from Industry Minister to Foreign Minister. Their relationship came under scrutiny by virtue of Couillard's relationship with a biker gang member who was assassinated. She subsequently married a member of the same gang whom she quickly divorced. Bernier's judgment in pursuing relations with Couillard in contrast to his position was considered reckless, and his returning to her apartment after a supposed break-up raises more questions. The fact that he forgot the classified documents in her home shows a careless, unfocused, and disoriented disposition unfit for a position he holds. Speculations suggest that the resignation is a result of a series of errors Bernier has committed as Foreign Minister, and the document issue is the last straw. Others point to a deception he undertook regarding the break-up with Couillard. On a tour in Afghanistan, Bernier blurted out that President Hamid Karzai should replace the controversial Kandahar governor, implying that the Afghan government was being dictated upon by foreign powers. In Rome, he volunteered to assist the aid effort to Burma by committing Canada's new C-17 cargo planes to airlift the World Food Program's relief goods. The problem was that the aircraft was not ready and the Canadian government had to rent the Russian version - an expensive and embarrassing mistake. He also mixed up the Haitian President's name with that of the predecessor. His entire term as foreign minister was compared to his unapproved distribution of Jos Louis pastries in Afghanistan, that he was better at giving pastries than anything else. His pathetic lack of preparation during the regular question hour at the House of Commons made him a regular opposition target.
Bernier burst into the political scene in January 2006, after winning 67% of the popular vote in the rural riding south of Quebec, a position held by his former MP father for over 10 years. He was tapped by Harper as Foreign Minister to promote the Afghan mission to the politically influential province of Quebec. Bernier was chosen because of political considerations. He had the background, looks, charisma, youth, to go with being high profile, telegenic, bilingual, and electorally bankable. He was considered the key figure for the Conservative Party's renaissance in Quebec, and was on the rise faster than others. He was like the most upwardly mobile Greek since Icarus. But his stint unmasked what was woefully a function totally out of his depth. His unceremonious plummet from grace is made worse by insinuations that he was emotionally unstable as a result of the pressures on his relationship with Couillard. There are doubts about his return to fame and glory in the immediate future. Perhaps he should lie low for some years, do some baking or sell Jos Louis pastries. Better yet, get himself a bike and ride into the sunset. Or, he could abdicate everything and marry Couillard and forsake politics altogether, to save the voters of Quebec from further shame.
Despite a 15 year history of skin cancers, including a minor one last February, precancerous polyps in his colon, cysts in his kidney, stones in his bladder, John McCain's doctors suggest he is as healthy as a horse. He takes several medications for high levels of cholesterol, for kidney stones, and an occasional pill to help him sleep. It is perhaps an occasional pill because he takes it only when he needs to sleep. He also suffers from bouts of vertigo when he abruptly rises from a chair, but it's not connected in any way to a heart condition. And yes, he's as healthy as a horse. McCain had surgery for the removal of a cancerous melanoma from his left temple, leaving a scar 2 inches in diameter that required the removal of underlying lymph nodes. As a matter of fact, he has had four malignant melanomas removed along with other skin cancers. The most serious one left a depression that exaggerated the jaw muscle, leaving what appears to be a lump on his face that distorts the symmetry of his facial contours. He had surgery on this lump and for some time wore a face mask at night to reduce scarring. This has caused him discomfort and made him concerned about his looks. But he's still as healthy as a horse. John McCain is a veteran of the Vietnam war who ejected from his plane but broke both arms and a leg in the process. He was captured by the Vietnamese and remained a POW for over 5 years. He was also subjected to torture in that condition, and without medical attention, the arms healed without proper repair. This has caused him difficulty in raising his arms and getting dressed. A salute may also not be possible under the circumstances. Prior to this episode, he was struck in the legs and chest by fragments of a bomb that exploded during a fire at the US Forrestal, where he was at the center of the flames. But he's as healthy as a horse.
The release of McCain's medical records, all 1,173 pages of them to a select group of reporters is to quell all doubts about his capacity to lead as President of the United States. A summary was provided to the rest of the news media. McCain's health records show that he is a medically mended man whose maladies are nothing more than mere scratches in a body that in its younger days had endured and survived more than the average man could. But he's as healthy as a horse.
The life span of a horse is between 20 to 30 years. The current life expectancy average for males in the United States is 73.6 years. John McCain would have lived out 97.82% of his life by the time he assumes the Presidency, should he be victorious in November. But he would still be as healthy as a horse, one that has lived for 29 years and 3 months.
As the Indiana Jones franchise, the fourth in the series, topped the Memorial day weekend grossing 101 million plus the 25 million on its Thursday opening; members of Russia's Communist Party have raised protests over the film's storyline and have called for a boycott of the movie. The Russian Communists averred that the movie aims to undermine communist ideology and distort history. But Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, and George Lucas, 3 of the richest men in Hollywood, are unfazed by the Russian objections. They delight in the unkillable nature of their aging hero from the 30's to the 50's and would bet on his box office success even if the end is predictable.
The film opened in Russia on Thursday, and Party members in St. Petersburg slammed the film's opening scene about a raid by a Russian secret agent in Nevada's Area 51, to find a skull with mystic powers to be used for terrorizing the free world. The Party spokesman stated that the Soviet Union did not send terrorists to the United States in 1957, but launched a satellite (the Sputnik) which evoked the admiration of the whole world. Nineteen years since the last Indiana Jones film, the Russians have yet to get used to the excesses of Hollywood and the great lengths its movie makers will go to make unverified events into exaggerated fantasies that look like it was based on reality. Moscow Communist lawmaker Andrei Andreyev complained that it is very disturbing if talented directors want to provoke a new Cold War. However, this kind of statement is saber rattling based on a film meant solely for entertainment, not a serious political statement. Ford, Spielberg, and Lucas are far from being concerned with creating a cold war. They are laughing all the way to the bank to count all the cold cash they will make out of an old formula that attracts fantasy lovers to their make believe stories. But not everything is make believe. The money is for real.
Stalwarts of the Democratic party whose influence once resonated throughout America are being sidelined, either by their own undoing, or by the natural process of elimination brought on by illness and physical wear and tear. These are the pillars that the party could lean on to boost its chances in the presidential elections in November, and whose achievements could stand as its foundation for a better America. But they are slowly being taken out of the equation, and this absence may weaken the Democratic party's quest to wrest the White House from the Republicans. Former President Jimmy Carter, considered one of the most successful ex-presidents for his many peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts, has recently been widely criticized for his reported plan to meet with Hamas; considered a terrorist organization. His office neither confirmed nor denied the meeting but had said that no one in the State Department, including Secretary Condoleezza Rice had warned him against doing so, a tacit admission of the plan. The bad publicity created by the planned meeting with the enemy was viewed as treachery by some sectors in the US, and is being used as ammunition against the Democratic party.
Former President Bill Clinton and his actuations in the course of the Democratic primaries, had diminished his stature as a former Head of State and statesman who should be above the fray in the party's political infighting. The memory of his substantial contribution to America as President together with the 8 years of prosperity that he generated is eroding. In the minds of the electorate, what looms as a possibility is a desire to seek a third term and the return of the manipulative ways of Washington. Or, that he and his wife will say or do anything to get the nomination.
The most telling blow for the Democrats is the illness of Senator Edward Kennedy whose cancerous brain tumor will greatly reduce his participation in the general election. Kennedy is a skilled and highly respected politician, whose power and influence in Congress allows him to successfully push sponsored Bills even in a Republican controlled Senate. He is also a tireless campaigner and a formidable fund raiser whose capacity to generate financial support for the party's candidates will be sorely missed. The current divisions in the party resulting from the bitter primary contests requires a huge effort of unification and consolidation that perhaps only Kennedy can mend. But his expected absence may not make this possible.
It is difficult to conceive of a Democratic campaign without the constant presence of Senator Kennedy. He is a crucial element and an irreplaceable keystone of the party's platform and program of governance. In his closing statement during the Democratic National Convention in 1980, considered one of the most stirring and eloquent speeches he has ever made,he said: "For me, a few hours ago, this campaign came to an end. For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die".
Senator Kennedy's words spoke of his vision of America, one that offered hope and its unsurpassed potential to reclaim its rightful place of dignity in the international community. These are the same ideals being echoed by Barack Obama, stated in the same inspiring vein. The difference is, Kennedy ended his campaign with it, Obama cannot put an end to his. The painful path that the current democratic primaries are going through is heading towards harmful consequences that could be irreconcilable come November. And, without the strong influence of a masterful party pillar who belongs to America's "Royal Family", danger could lead to disaster.
Senator Kennedy's dream and the Democratic party's visions may never die, but it may also fail to find fulfillment.
There is no describing the pain parents feel for the death of a child, especially one so young and full of promise, who perishes in a violent and flesh ripping way that only war could impart. The mind immediately races to the scene, imagining the agony and anguish that their child went through and what caring and comfort was received, or how long before the suffering ended. The painful emptiness and hollow pangs of loss can only be expressed in a burst of tears, but the silent torture that creeps into the parents core sinks so deeply which only they can truly feel, and only they can fully mourn.
The reality that the child died for the country and the noble intentions attendant to that purpose provides some meaning, but it cannot assuage the full impact of the loss. For many, it is a statistic; for the parents, it is a life where part of themselves and the souls of their beings have merged, to see that new soul create a meaningful life of its own. But it is torn apart, with flesh ripped from the bone that's splattered in bits in the sands of a foreign land. All they have are memories of when as a child under their care, not one insect bite was allowed to hurt the child. Kaziah Hancock has the capability to see the soul of the departed soldiers in their photographs and in the descriptions from loved ones and friends. She is able to depict these soldiers' souls in skillfully crafted paintings that portray them according to the character that they have, based on the look in their eyes. She makes them come to life, like the soul that rests within their person has been awakened; and meets to greet those they left behind. Deep compassion connects her with the soldiers and cries daily at each photo she works on.She started this project in 2003 and provides the paintings to the parents for free. Today, it has become an organization of 5 artists completing over 1,000 paintings. She has begun to think of her subjects as being in another time zone or dimension, to reduce the emotional burden and provide the gift for the parents faster.
The efforts undertaken by Kaziah Hancock has received praises and unending gratefulness for her capture of the spirit of each and every subject. Her ability to feel the visions of the parents, and capacity to connect with the character of the subjects, is a remarkable talent that translates into a healing of the deepest ache parents still have after many years.
She took this path not because she was a liberal or a conservative, but because she was a human being who understood the loss. She made her contribution in the best way she knew how, by putting her entire being into giving for others. If only all officials followed her example. But that may be too much to ask of some people whose souls have long been sold.
The spate of xenophobic violence in South Africa may have been triggered by the realities of increased hardship in a society plagued by political and economic upheaval, but it is not the root of these attacks. South Africa is one of the most xenophobic societies in the world, and it holds the harshest anti-immigrant sentiments. Its policies, like those of other African nations, have been shaped around, and molded by, hating others. Its 400 year history, dominated by Colonialism and Apartheid, were structured from this perspective.
Yet, South Africa is a modern industrialized society, leading the world in the concept of "Rainbow Nation" under a very progressive constitution that advocates "the world in one country". It even conducted a much heralded "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" to forge healing. What the small minority of the political class failed to understand was that progressive laws and attitudes they had and hoped to lead the people with, ran counter to the instilled hate sentiment that the majority of the conservative and socially right wing people had. That the opposition to apartheid did not automatically produce tolerance, understanding, and openness. The current attacks have been described by authorities as criminal behavior, a convenient ploy to deflect the social ills that pervade South Africa and avoid confronting the rapid rate at which these social pathologies have grown in the last few years. For a nation that isn't at war, it is considered the most dangerous country in the world, where 15,000 people were murdered in a span of 8 months last year. It has one of the highest crime rates globally topped by armed robbery, homicide, and rape. Guards, walled and wired fences are some initiatives to secure living but violence can be met at one's doorstep, in open areas, streets and homes with impunity. These are day-to-day realities in this modern state.
Societal order is breaking apart and violence is its face. The government seems unable to take control and this increases frustration. The attacks on foreigners may be a manifestation of a natural hate of others and their anger at rising criminality that threatens their shaky security. By accusing the foreigners of criminal acts, they are able to vent their frustrations at a single and proximate target that's not one of their own. For these South Africans who had expected a better life, the choice has come to death by starvation or survival through detestable acts. Such a choice surely elicits the worst in human beings. The foreigners are leaving, and so are many South Africans - for their safety and sanity. The fundamental problem of economic inequality and poverty is compounded by the knowledge that there is corruption among the rulers, abuse of state institutions, silencing of people with principles, protection of the corrupt, and a floundering bureaucracy. For a generation that lived their entire lives traumatized by violence, this behavior is instinctive and is reflected in their psychological make up. Finding and recovering their dignity may alter this mental make-up considerably. But the hopelessness of their social and economic plight and the governments impotence to reduce crime and poverty will only ignite this violent behavior to greater intensity. A country with vast resources, natural splendor, and beauty is being ravaged by its own people - those who have professed to love and build their nation - by acts inimical to its interest. Its modern industries are at risk and its investors pulling back. Its citizens living in fear or accepting abnormal conditions for safety's sake daily. The hate mindset and violent inclinations can be removed over time through education, and replaced with open attitudes and progressive thinking. But the government must act decisively and justly to stem the breakdown of order and respect for authority. It isn't far fetched to think that as things get worse, South Africans will eventually turn on each other. It is disheartening to imagine that after all those years of struggle, freedom and self -rule, development and growth, it is descending back into the heart of darkness. They will have to learn the means to unshackle their minds and liberate their spirits, which may still be imprisoned by their own attachments to the past.