The would be Clinton dynasty is checkmated. Its formidable foundation at the beginning of the primaries has been penetrated and weakened, and its pillars crumbling and shaky. Some of its staunch supporters have begun switching over to the Barack Obama camp, and the likelihood of others following that lead is imminent. The Clinton camp is engaged in damage control, while the Obama camp is propelled by renewed momentum. Clinton's defensive positioning and its bold announcement of continuing the campaign is an aggressive method of securing a favorable Terms of Surrender. And surrender is inevitable.
Operation October Surprise, pertains to damaging information about Barack Obama which
the Clinton camp would use to win over the super delegates in November, is not yet operational. No such information has been unearthed. If it exists and they can harness its potential, the party itself will be demolished for her personal ambition. It will cost her the general election and ruin whatever positive legacy Bill Clinton's presidency may have gained. The party will not allow this to happen, and Hillary may opt to use it only to gain a package that would guarantee her a position of influence within the party, or within a victorious (if ever) Democrat controlled Presidency.

Hillary's best deal would be the Vice Presidential nomination, but Obama may not find this comfortable. The bitter exchanges during the primaries would make their chemistry suspect, if not explosive, in a general election. Further, a Hillary Clinton as Vice-President with Bill a former President lurking in the background may undermine his decisions and influence. A cabinet position for Hillary may be the best that Obama can offer, but may not be attractive enough for Hillary because it's not as powerful nor as prestigious as an elective position. It could be better for Obama if Hillary rejects his offer, since this will unload him of the burden that the Hillary baggage brings. But it may cost him the support of Hillary's base voters of white, women, elderly, blue collar and Latino/Hispanic blocs if she doesn't get what she wants. It will be tougher for Obama facing John McCain with these concerns, in
addition to the acceptance of his character, skills and message by an American electorate who are influenced by these factors, as much as perhaps the color of his skin.
The most meaningful purpose of the Clinton camp's intent to pursue the campaign is to obtain a graceful and dignified exit. Any purpose other than this is desperation that would only result in eternal damnation.
Operation October Surprise, pertains to damaging information about Barack Obama which

Hillary's best deal would be the Vice Presidential nomination, but Obama may not find this comfortable. The bitter exchanges during the primaries would make their chemistry suspect, if not explosive, in a general election. Further, a Hillary Clinton as Vice-President with Bill a former President lurking in the background may undermine his decisions and influence. A cabinet position for Hillary may be the best that Obama can offer, but may not be attractive enough for Hillary because it's not as powerful nor as prestigious as an elective position. It could be better for Obama if Hillary rejects his offer, since this will unload him of the burden that the Hillary baggage brings. But it may cost him the support of Hillary's base voters of white, women, elderly, blue collar and Latino/Hispanic blocs if she doesn't get what she wants. It will be tougher for Obama facing John McCain with these concerns, in

The most meaningful purpose of the Clinton camp's intent to pursue the campaign is to obtain a graceful and dignified exit. Any purpose other than this is desperation that would only result in eternal damnation.
Bill himself was in our little Burg Just this am....Slept through it...LOL
She's looking pretty damn haggard in that pic, I must say. Don't worry, Hil...you'll be able to get all the sleep you need REAL soon...
Hi Tommy,
It's that boring huh!
His time has passed, and it would be better for him to let the people live with the memory of the good times he brought; than campaign for a candidate under so much negative atmosphere that could erode their contribution to the country's growth.
:-) --Durano, done!
Hi Fitness Diva,
Ha ha ha a ha ha! Great take on the picture!
I agree, she would get all the rest she needs. The sooner the better! :-)--Durano, done!
Obama may not find this comfortable. The bitter exchanges during the primaries would make their chemistry suspect, if not explosive, in a general election.
That's one of the reason I think this whole pre-campaign is going too far. Although I'm leaning towards Obama for personal reasons, I don't mind Hillary at all and I think her program is quite good. The two together could to great things... but it would just look awkward after such a bitter campaign.
Hi Zhu,
My sentiments exactly.One thing though, Obama did not initiate the dirt throwing and word twisting tactics, the Hillary camp did. Also, Hillary has been throwing the race card all over the place, short of telling the party that America will not vote for a black man, the whites always have the edge.
The problem with Hillary was that she believes the presidency is hers as a divine right...okay, that may be an exaggeration, but her actuations project that very message.
Combined they would be unbeatable. But putting yourself in Obama's shoes, you'd have a VP that chairs the senate and a former president commenting on the sidelines and perhaps throwing his own influence on decisions, that would make Obama's position weak and untenable.
It's a tough choice for the Democrats and a tough decision for Obama. I also think the race for the party's nominee is over. :-)--Durano, done!
somehow i don't associate hillary with 'graceful and dignified'. she's more like that half-crazed pit bull i try to avoid every morning in the park...
Horatio, I agree she definitely looks like a nut job now. Did you see the SNL skit where they called her a sore loser?
Now an Obama-Edwards ticket on the other hand...
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