Neapolitans sneaked into the streets Sunday night and took matters into their own hands by burning the piles of garbage that had been rotting in the streets since December. The irate Italians set dozens of blazes that kept the firefighters busy throughout the night, making the authorities feel the seething anger that have piled up over the slow action in solving the crisis - a pile up similar to the trash that threatens them with outbreaks of disease and other health hazards. The streets resembled a firefight like those in Lebanon and Baghdad.

Italy's prime minister has set a meeting on Wednesday to address the problem, but the Italians view this as more talk, as a matter of fact, it may be more trash talk, but the garbage remains uncollected. City administrators say that they manage to collect about 1,000 tonnes of garbage daily, but his statements are regarded as rubbish. Estimates measure the garbage at 3,500 tonnes in the streets of Naples and some 45,000 tonnes in the wider Campania region. The trash has also been regarded as the source of cancer causing toxins found in the mozzarella cheese in the same region. Silvio Berlusconi hinted at creating 10 new rubbish dumps despite opposition. This would only fire up the citizens since it is a solution that will still endanger their health.

The once scenic Naples has evolved into an environmental nightmare that has already seen a drop in tourist arrivals. The European Union has threatened to take Italy to the European Court of Justice for mishandling and mismanagement of waste in the Campania region. The government has sought the cooperation of the populace and requested not to throw anymore wastes in the streets, but the Neapolitans countered by saying they could not let the garbage pile up inside their homes too. The chronic mismanagement of garbage collection, combined with the involvement of the local Mafia, have been blamed for the crisis.
Berlusconi is faced with a crisis from within Italy, and from the European Union because of the rubbish problem that has been ongoing for 10 years. Temporary solutions have been overtaken by the sheer volume of rubbish the Italians seem to have a talent for producing in big quantities. Processing sites and dumps proposed are being protested with rising vehemence. Italians are concerned about the vermin and bacteria that rotting rubbish would host, yet the action they took in burning the rubbish released the highest risk to human health by way of dioxins.

This is certainly a no-win situation. A protested permanent solution versus a dangerous burning solution. But the Neapolitans have been living under this nightmare for a decade. Perhaps another 5 years wouldn't be considered a long wait, as long as flies, roaches, rats, worms, maggots and other filthy and disgusting creatures can be persuaded to remain outside their homes, and not to grow any bigger than three times its normal size.
It would do the Italians a lot of good if they got rid of the politicians and the mafia together with the garbage. They're one and the same and belong to the same category.
I wouldn't be surprised if dead bodies (courtesy of the Mafia) are found dumped in the streets. This problem of garbage is giving Italians a bad image. Pretty soon the sign "Don't throw garbage here. Warning to Italians" will appear all over Europe.
Hi Anonymous,
That's just the point. Even if they belong to the same category, the problem really is where to dump them. I suppose the logical place would be inside a volcano. At least it will burn there without affecting much of the populace. I just don't know if that's environmentally sound. :-) --Durano, done!
I think your volcano idea sounds like the best idea Durano !!!
speaking of the Godfather....
our latest Australian Series ...Underbelly....is selling out like hotcakes....true story based on the Mafia in Melbourne (often dubbed Australia's Little Italy)...
you would probably enjoy it ...
warning ...MA rated...strong violence...sex scenes and drug use...
Hi Immortal,
Sounds like you're a fan of the Godfather and/or the Sopranos, but the mafia has been dumping their garbage (people like them that they execute) all over Italy and the US.
Now, about the real garbage, I'm not sure if Italians are litterbugs, but a joke can be made about the situation. If a pile of garbage is present, one can conclude that there must be Italians in the neighborhood. :-) --Durano, done!
Hello Kim,
I am not certain if the volcano is a viable solution, but I'm sure it can dissolve all that garbage that's rotting in Naples. I just wonder what would happen if the volcano explodes, or, if the garbage would cause it to do so.:-)
A new Mafia TV series eh? They have become graphic with sex too? The violence I can understand, but sex... I'll ask my son if he can download the series or at least a couple of episodes just to check it out.
I hope the voting in your site is as hot as a volcano...LOL! :-) --Durano, done!
Not sure it was the best thing to do! I mean, just imagine the smell, the toxicity etc. of the burning garbages...
I really feel sorry for Italy, plagued by bad politicians and underground economy. My family is from there you know.
Anyway, meanwhile, in Italy, the zealous police is kicking immigrants out of the country, thanks to the right-wing... :( Makes me angry and sad. Wrong target people!
Hi Zhu,
The Italians just wanted something done, and I perfectly understand their need to take action. Only thing is, it's the wrong kind. :-)
I do know your Italian background and it might be the reason why we have a good connect. My ancestors from my father's side were from Italy too. But that's a distant relation. :-)
I agree, Italians are unlucky with their politicians. The underground economy is also killing those who are legitimate, and without government support really face bleak times.
And now they eject foreigners. When did Italians become xenophobic? :-) --Durano, done!
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