The Tibetan struggle for independence is facing a Chinaman's chance of success. This does not mean that the actions of Tibetans will be equated with China's current success. On the contrary, it means it has no chance to succeed.
The term "Chinaman's Chance" evolved into an insult or slur against the Chinese, caused by the devolution of the term's usage from its original intent. The historical context began during the California gold rush where Chinese laborers working for the
railroad were sought for demanding jobs using explosives, but were paid half the salary of the Irish railroad worker. Yet they had to pay higher taxes, were barred from testifying in court for violent acts against them, were denied citizenship, and could be evicted from profitable property. These restrictions and injustices gave the Chinese a very slim chance, if at all, to succeed in America.
Ironically, the Chinese did make it in their own country, and are now arguably richer than the United States. The Tibetans, who are not Chinese, are at the receiving end of this centuries old phrase that once described their present invaders. Its derisive use against Tibetans is due to the fact that China sees Tibet as their own territory, where the Tibetan nomad tribes have settled without their assent. They are also
determined to populate the territory with Han Chinese and wipe out the Tibetan culture, religion, tradition and practice by banning these in schools, and all other public fora. All development and opportunities are given to the Han Chinese and the Tibetans are regarded as the "coolie population" like the Chinese were in America. Even if the territory is theirs historically, they are powerless against China's military might and economic domination.

What country in the world today would dare go against China? What sovereign nation does not owe China substantial sums and where investments and economic growth are hinged on China's friendship and patronage? Might the world be witnessing the showcasing of China's dominance in the coming Olympics? Will controversial decisions and victories rear its ugly head in the summer games? Will referees and officiating favor the host? Will bribes and other dirty tactics covertly undertaken be the norm of the world's foremost sports event? Will the meaning of sportsmanship be changed to accepting the decision of judges even if these were called blindly or obviously flawed? Who would dare challenge China, France? That's hilarious. President Sarkozy is a joke even to the French.
The Tibetans are caged in this futile struggle to use the Olympics to wage their war of independence. Support will be weak and will consist of token diplomatic effort. It is of no significant economic, military, or political importance to the western powers to interfere in this sorry development. These are the critical realities that first world nations consider the most important. Humanity and the right to life, liberty, freedom, justice, equality, and the pursuit of happiness are mere rhetorics used to demonstrate that they have a conscience. They will state their sorrow but do little else.
The term "Chinaman's Chance" evolved into an insult or slur against the Chinese, caused by the devolution of the term's usage from its original intent. The historical context began during the California gold rush where Chinese laborers working for the

Ironically, the Chinese did make it in their own country, and are now arguably richer than the United States. The Tibetans, who are not Chinese, are at the receiving end of this centuries old phrase that once described their present invaders. Its derisive use against Tibetans is due to the fact that China sees Tibet as their own territory, where the Tibetan nomad tribes have settled without their assent. They are also

What country in the world today would dare go against China? What sovereign nation does not owe China substantial sums and where investments and economic growth are hinged on China's friendship and patronage? Might the world be witnessing the showcasing of China's dominance in the coming Olympics? Will controversial decisions and victories rear its ugly head in the summer games? Will referees and officiating favor the host? Will bribes and other dirty tactics covertly undertaken be the norm of the world's foremost sports event? Will the meaning of sportsmanship be changed to accepting the decision of judges even if these were called blindly or obviously flawed? Who would dare challenge China, France? That's hilarious. President Sarkozy is a joke even to the French.
China has so far moved with restrained fists in this Tibetan protest. When the excitement over the Olympics gets into high gear and attention towards Tibet has waned, China will make its power felt by Tibetans. Or perhaps, immediately after the Olympics.
It's such a shame that this is allowed to happen in this day and age. The displacement and subsequent eradication of a people. Even though historically it's a scene that's been played out over and over in many a region, it's still shocking to see it happen in this modern day and age.
I guess that from Sudan, to Tibet to Palestine, this type of thing will never stop. There will always be one who feels that their race/religion/culture is the chosen one with unquestionable God given rights, and anyone else be damned.
I'm conflicted between still supporting the Olympics (which I love and have watched every 4 years, including the winter sessions, without fail), and expressing in some type of action my feelings about what China is doing to the Tibetan people. I'm sure a lot of people are.
I don't think, however, that this new omnipotent Chinese image will be enough to influence judges scoring during events. The Olympics has always been pretty much about fair competition (barring steroids controversies). Nobody's THAT scared of China!
At least not the other world powers, I don't think. Not yet!
Hi Anonymous,
The thing about China is that the dissidents just disappear and everything else is hushed up. There was an arrest made once, a couple of months back, then China announced later that the man was found guilty and executed. No news about the court hearing, what charges were filed, who handled the man's defense, nothing. Suddenly an execution.
The monks arrested in the recent disturbance, where journalists were invited to a managed tour, might just disappear too. --Durano, done!
Hi Fitness Diva,
I hate to disappoint you but cheating in the Olympics has been going on since the 1960's.
The events in boxing, wrestling, gymnastic, etc.,have always involved controversies. In the 1972 Olympics, I think - in the Men's basketball Championship for the Gold, the US had a 1 point lead with 1 second left when Russia called for a timeout. The throw in by Russia lasted more than 5 seconds, and the ball touched 3 hands inside the court, before going in, and it was counted! Russia beat the US!
Since that time, I've seen cheating take place especially if smaller countries are up against richer and powerful country teams.
The US owes China for the stimulus fund, it also holds over 3 trillion dollars of US currency; which, if dumped into the market, would ruin the dollar's value. China's US investments are huge. They may not show they're scared but they certainly will not flash their teeth. And that's being scared - to rile the giant. What's the significance of Tibet for the US politically, militarily, economically? Iraq and Afghanistan I can understand; even Darfur. But Tibet? France is the only brave one, but no one takes it seriously. :-)--Durano, done!
Well, knock off my rose colored glasses! lol
I'm sorry to know that the Olympics are not as pure in judging as one would like to think. Those athletes all work so hard to achieve those medals and that moment in the history books. Is nothing pure and sacred?
Hi Fitness Diva,
In most of the major events where the powerful countries are strong, and if the win is so obvious, these are normally judged fairly like in swimming, boxing if there's a stoppage, basketball if it's a rout.
But where there are judges who make points like in gymnastics, wrestling and boxing, where the points can be "redistributed", it is sometimes blatant.
Athletes are not to blame, they are really dedicated. It's the officials and politics that kill the sportsmanship in these events. Politics can ruin it before, during, and after the games or a particular event. Watch it, and follow what happens to protests - usually nothing. --Durano, done!
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