Four months and three weeks ago, when this blog began its linkages with communities on the internet, several sites visited contained widgets that sought to attract bloggers to methods of making money online. Many sites also heralded tips, techniques, and approaches. to generate windfalls for their respective blogs. Some sites sold books and other paraphernalia to get readers into learning how to monetize their blogs.
After a month, encounters with several bloggers' experiences about being scammed and/or duped into spending, rather than earning, strengthened this author's skepticism regarding the reliability of promises of incomes premised on the ease by which these could be obtained.

For the past two months however, blogger friends have been encouraging this site's participation and membership in specific groups whose programs have been proven to be reliable, dependable and credible; where rewards of their participation have reaped benefits that were delivered as promised. One such group is payperpost . After a couple of weeks of inquiry and diligence, this site finally signed up because of positive perceptions and feedback regarding Pay Per Post. The Spitting Vessel is now a proud member.
Those who visit the Spitting Vessel periodically and/or regularly will notice the addition of the Pay Per Post widget on the right side panel. The distinctive characteristic that's best about Pay Per Post is in the freedom to select topics or subjects of the author's choice; some of which are current news and investigative

Whatever income is derived from this venture will be used to augment the funds for the humanitarian activities conducted by this author with associates, outside of the regular development project tasks and activities done with funding agencies. The motivation to be involved with Pay Per Post is parallel to the dedication with which these humanitarian activities are conducted.
Are you going into rescuing young girls from sexual slavery now? Are you gonna write posts about it too?
What drives you to do these things, a messianic complex?
Hi Anonymous,
We don't really go after such things, it's only when we encounter them through our project involvement.
Also, it's not just for girls or women enslaved by organized and involuntary prostitution but groups like the handicap, the blind, those with cerebral palsy, the deaf and mutes; who are all part of a community we are tasked to organize, train, provide livelihood, raise the produce towards enterprise development, professionalize and then mainstream their products in urban markets and export.
It's not a messianic complex, it's simply giving back what I learned to make life a little better for others. --Durano, done!
Ok. I was on my way to signing up with them about a month ago, and then I reached a page where they asked me to put in my credit card info.
If they are so on the up and up, why do they need to be able to debit my credit card at any time? Also, we're living in a Paypal world here online.
Why would they not just use Paypal?
Very suspect indeed.
Tell me why they need that info and what they use if for.
Just like with modeling and acting agent scams, you shouldn't have to pay anything if they really want to hire you.
Hi Fitness Diva,
That was very smart of you not giving your credit card info. As a matter of fact, I was never asked for anything of the sort. They would accept you only if you had a pay pal account.
Let me give you this info, there are copycat sites, like the scraper sites that took your post, that look exactly like others, who take your info and steal your identity. If you happen to give your credit card number, then they can borrow in your name. Pay Pal has also warned of such sites. Sometimes they send a spam e-mail asking you to re-confirm your username and password, and place a link to send it to. If you send it there, you're scammed! Take care. --Durano, done!
The internet can be a dangerous place too if you're not careful.
congratulations Durano ...your new enterprise sounds admirable !!!
Hello Kim,
Thanks for the compliment. I don't know if we can even call it an enterprise! LOL. There are 8 of us involved in this and we hope it can deliver as promised.
There is so much to do and so much suffering that it is sometimes hard to fathom how they could go on and even smile. They are very appreciative of whatever comes their way but we want them to be determined to improve their lot, and if possible, pay it forward to others - not necessarily in financial terms but in goodwill and assistance.
Thanks for the visit. :-) __Durano, done!
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