A butterfly has metamorphosed on The Spitting Vessel courtesy of Jenaisle, site owner of Gewgaw Writings. The recognition is for being one of the "coolest" blogs known to the endorser of the award. Unknown to many perhaps is what a butterfly symbolizes.
A butterfly in folklore is a keeper of secrets. Once a secret is whispered to it, the butterfly carries the secret straight to the ears of the Great Spirit. Butterflies freed helps restore the balance of nature, which helps fulfill man's wishes. It is also a symbol of change, and the dancing pattern of its flight is a reminder for man not to take things too seriously. The most powerful symbol a butterfly represents is transformation, an excellent imagery for one contemplating change or is in the midst of change; where change need not be distressing nor painful.
Source: Vlinder, Butterfly Symbolisms.
Butterflies have also been used in many faiths and religions; as in a soul seeking reincarnation, or the soul of a loved one visiting family to send a message, or to provide warnings of impending danger. In its most profound form, a butterfly is a symbol of the transformation of the soul.
So to Jenaisle of Gewgaw Writings, the Spitting Vessel thanks you very much for the symbolism that this recognition represents.Source: Vlinder, Butterfly Symbolisms.
Congratulation for the well-deserved butterfly!
I didn't know it has so many meanings.
Hello Durano,
Wow! well done. Excellent post!Thanks for picking up the award. You truly deserve it. Look at what you've done with it. You have created a very informative post about butterflies which few know of. This is supposed to be the way posts are done with awards.
Thanks for the idea and the post.
All the best.
An intelligent and informative method of acknowledging an award.These things can be tedious at times but I agree with Jena, this is a creative way to do it.
Hi Zhu,
Some of these things were known to me as a child. Whenever a relative dies and a butterfly appears, old people say the dead relative has come to see who paid their respects.
There are many secrets relating to man and nature in Asia. These are but a few of them. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Jena Isle,
The thought occurred to me as I viewed the responses in your site to the award.
Thanks too for the recognition. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks for the kind words. I don't find these things tedious. It's a way of getting connected to new friends. I'm sure you know that after sometime, people get to limit their circle to a number of friends they are already comfortable with.
Of course it may increase your blogroll but any new friend is a new contact we can always learn something from. :-) --Durano, done!
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