This hope must however be translated into positive endeavors if it is to work for America. The promises made and the needs that must be filled are not dependent on one man alone. Hope must be grounded on the reality that not all can be achieved in a single term, nor could all goals be possibly attained. Americans face tremendous challenges which need to be dealt with when the euphoria of celebration dissipates, or the unimaginable disappointment of defeat is overcome. They must come together, be vigilant, and participate in the redirection of their country, its policies, and its resources; to restore its prestige in the community of nations.

It is in the interest of the victors and those defeated to heal the wounds that emerged from the hate, intolerance and ideological differences that may have been generated by the arduous and bitter campaign; and those wounds re-opened by racial, religious and gender prejudices should be laid to rest eternally. Americans must seek ways to unite the nation, rather than divide it; exert efforts to provide social justice, rather than social inequities; create the means for all sectors, segments, races, and opinions to be heard and considered, rather than quashed and discarded; in order to reclaim its title as the bastion of democracy.

Republicans must consolidate to rebuild their party and reinvigorate its base with new visions that are relevant for the 21st century, and ideals that relate to progress for all Americans, rather than the protection and preservation of a status quo enjoyed by a few. The GOP must reconstruct to fiscalize since there is danger for democracy in the centralization of power in a single , dominant party.
It is up to Americans to muster their vaunted energies, natural resilience, national pride, and ability to close ranks - to harness their limited but enormous resources for a united purpose and meaningful set of objectives: their faith in themselves as a people, their dignity as a nation, and their decency as members of the human race. They must eliminate the fantasies that clouded their judgments and the myths that

The United States may or may not emerge as the most powerful nation on earth, nor

Americans have spoken withn the selection of a new leader, but the message of hope

Whether they can remain equal, safe, and secure after their creation is the more profound message that needs to be expressed - in a future without uncertainty, in a world without inequality.
Well said, Durano, well said. As you can imagine, there are a lot of happy people over here, and i count myself among the celebrants, for it's been a while since many have had good reason for hope of this magnitude.
And, indeed, there is much work to do if America is to repair both its domestic and international status and stance. That which must be done is the duty and burden of all Americans - not just the President. But I think Obama is of the sort of enlightened mindset we need right now, and that he was elected in a fair and democratic fashion is an important first step in the right direction.
nice one durano. i believe that obama is what the states really need, and that he is also the US president the world needs. He however, now has the daunting task of putting his rhetoric into action. we can easily speak of change, however we need to start acting on makin a change. I had a now deceased professor who would always say that change may not hapen today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in our lifetime, but for the sake of our children, let us begin.obama inspired change, now he must act on it. i realy want to believe that we can make the world a better place.
i was glued to the television all day, awaiting the announcement. I felt the lump in my throat as the electoral numbers jumped to a whopping 297, from 207, trumping McCain's 135. It was done. History was made on Choose day, and the American people chose well. For a change.
You know, Durano, there is something very special about Barack, and I think that we will see what this man really is capable of in the upcoming 4 years, God willing.
There's a reason that the entire world, and I mean nearly EVERY country on the planet is overjoyed that he won. One of my Italian friends across the world texted me early this morning, happy that he won.
Today, they showed people rejoicing in Kenya, Indonesia, China, and Japan, among many other places.
I don't think that has ever happened, where you had other countries outside the US celebrating the victor of one of our presidential elections. Think about that for a moment.
Everyone sees that specialness and most importantly, his sincerity, his good intentions and the good man he truly is. We have not had such a stellar public figure as this in a long, long time.
And the example he sets as a proud Black man leading, supporting and embracing his wife and family will create a new mindset for many of our young men out here. That in itself is beyond valuable.
I can't wait until he fulfills all of his ambitions, for this country and for all of us. I'm proud to be one of the millions that voted for him, and I'm proud to call him MY president! ;)
Excellent post. I absolutely agree with you. I don't usually read posts like this one, but I am compelled to read yours because of the interesting way you present the data and information. Thanks for sharing.
And yes , just like the laurel leaf, I had a lump in my throat hearing both candidates speak after the elections. Winner and loser were both gracious and supportive. Hurray for the democracy that America stands for!
Wow. What a great post. We've sure got our work cut out for us as a country, don't we?
Obama supporters got their man. A few questions:
What now is the role of the U.S. military in the world?
How, specifically, will the Obama administration help the economy?
Will Obama, unlike Bill Clinton, follow through with his tax cut to the middle class?
Will Obama, Pelosi and Reid truly govern from the center?
George Miller, who heads the House committee that deals with 401(k)s, wants to eliminate this tax subsidy. He and others want to put this all under Social Security, and let the government take control of it. Will this be attractive to the Obama administration? (The mainstream media did not talk about this issue during the campaign.)
After the announcement that Obama had won the election, why were some of his supporters outside the White House carrying the Soviet flag?
Finally, during the last couple of years, Obama has been pouring honey in so many people’s ears. During his acceptance speech at Grant Park in Chicago, why did he begin to lower the expectations of his administration?
Obama - “The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even in one term.”
And this also from Obama’s Grant Park speech:
Obama - “There will be setbacks and false starts… We know the government can’t solve every problem… Above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation.”
Obama campaigned on Hope and Change. Reality is now setting in.
Thank you in advance, for truthfully answering these questions.
Hi r,
I would have wanted to be part of the celebration in the streets, with all those people bursting with euphoria.
You're absolutely right about the enlightenment of Barack, he's just what the doctor ordered. I'm also pleased that the election was just and fair. Thanks for calling by again. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Nigel,
In terms of popular vote, Obama led by only 6 percentage points. There are 46% of Americans who voted against him, most of whom have rejected him as their president. Some of the GOP bloggers I know feel exactly that way. It will be difficult for Barack Obama to unify a deeply divided nation, until the 46% think of their country rather than their bruised egos.
I continue to believe that the world cam be a better place, and have been in that state for more than 46 years. I am perhaps an idealist, but without idealism, what would the world be like eh?
Keep believing, be an idealist. It is such people who keep the fires burning to ensure that the dreams will never die.They are also the ones who create the means for making the world better. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Laurel Leaf,
Nice pun. Choose Day.
And "the American people chose well. For a change"; which is what the message of Obama's campaign was. Very good puns there.
There were people all over the planet glued to CNN or BBC just like yourself, me included. I knew history was being made and I wanted to be an eyewitness to it.
Because of his election, America's image drastically changed in the eyes of the global community. I hope the conservatives in America get to appreciate that and realize its value in the scheme of things. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Fitness Diva,
I know exactly what you mean and I can feel your emotions in the words that you express and the manner in which you phrase it. I will even venture to say that you are misty eyed as you write this. Perfectly understandable.
The global interest was unprecedented, the groundswell of support for Obama by the youth and Americans of all classes and race was unrivaled, and the victory was sweetest of all. It was a bitterly fought contest, but John McCain showed a lot of class with his speech conceding the election.
There are a lot of expectations from Obama, some of which are unreasonable, but with the help of Americans themselves, the US shall overcome. You're lucky to have voted for him, and luckier being there and being a part of it. I really envy you. Take care. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Jenaisle,
Both speeches were stirring ones, well thought out, well written and well delivered.
Thanks for the kind words, and yes, Democracy's bastion may yet remain in America. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Preston,
Thanks for the compliment. And yes, America and its citizens have a lot to do, and fast. Obama and Biden will have to "hit the ground running" - this is going to be a common phrase that will be used extensively by the media - you can bet on that. :-)
Thanks for calling by. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Paulshealthblog,
Let's see if I can answer your questions.
1. I don't see why the military's role will change in terms of protecting those that are being unjustly oppressed or invaded. Hegemony should never have been its role, nor to be used to clear the way for the profitable operations of Halliburton at the expense of the soldiers' patriotism and lives, taxpayers money, and occupied people's misery - in order to save on costs and earn bigger revenues. In addition to controlling supply for their greed.
2.By ending a foolish war that was based on lies (no WMD until now) that costs billions of dollars each week. By inspiring confidence and belief in America to rally people to work harder, rebuild, invest, and to save for a future rather than borrow against the future. Replace the myths and fantasies in the psyche of Americans with the realities that have long been denied despite obvious evidence. New sources of energy to eliminate dependence on oil; repairing infrastructure that would provide jobs doing a worthwhile activity. etc, etc.
3. He should. This will provide a hedge while America rebuilds its economy, as the middle class will have money to save, invest, or set up businesses, or to finance their current expenditures for the household.
4.This is a speculative question that seeks to read their intentions which no one can do. But I suppose there will have to be some compromises. If the fear is that these leaders will be leftist or socialist extremists which the Republicans have painted them to be, then these Republicans are beginning to believe their own lies, like Goebbels. If these people were to apply in China during Mao's time. they would have been laughed out of Peking. They are no more socialist that merely rich people with a little more compassion than others. Socialist, my God! They wouldn't pass the first stage of 101 stages. Americans have been so paranoid about socialism that they haven't learned what it really is and how it works. Those averse to it are then viewed as greedy or selfish because of their closed attitudes. Too bad, they are not greedy really, just ignorant.
5. There will have to be some adfjustments made. Solutions cannot be permanent at this point since things are moving in a flux. Perhaps as a temporary measure Obama may agree, then again, he may disagree and continue the subsidy with some modifications. Its a period of experiments and it will have to be done carefully, since errors are items America can't afford. Regardless of what they decide, there will always be those who will find fault with it since they only want to push their own agenda and interests. That's always the case. It is the long term impact that counts.
6.If McCain won and some of his supporters were throwing their dentures, can we fault McCain for it. Or if the Ku Klux Klan were there despite not being invited but wanted to show support, can we say McCain is a racist pig? I don't think so. Who knows, they could have been planted by the GOP dirty tricks boys eh? You're old enough, you should know that by now. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book!
7. Obama did not lower the expectations of his administration, he was telling the truth. Would you prefer he lied? I think we've gotten so used to the lies of the Bush Administration that we even choose to believe it to make us feel better. Where did that get us huh? The hallmark a good leader is in his courage to speak the truth. It is cowards who hide the truth and cover it with lies. The present administration will die a thousand deaths because of this.
8.You know, he never said he would change the way America works in one month, one year or one whatever. He merely said it is change you can believe. Yes we can - change. Rome wasn't built in a day and even God took seven days to create the world. Obama never claimed he was God. The Republicans accused him of acting like a messiah. Now they are throwing it back at him. Crazy aren't they?
9. All his slogans carry the word "WE". Yes "we" Can; Change "we" can believe; or "you" can believe. Whoever said he could do it alone? Can McCain do it alone? I doubt that very much. As for false starts, there is no experience in any office that can match the qualifications or requirements for the job of President of America. Looking at history, all American Presidents responded to the conditions and situations that prevailed during their time. It showed the mettle of their character and the depth of their analytical, conceptual, and decision making abilities. All of them committed errors since no one is perfect, but despite the error, they rose to the occasion, except the last one. This is humility too Paul, why take it against him? Are you saying he should be smug and condescending because he's the President and he is infallible? That concept of infallibility, even of the Pope, has long been discredited.
I know that you sent these questions to several pro-Obama bloggers. What were you thinking? What was the purpose. I sense that these were not questions seeking clarifications as the way these are phrased are slanted. Nonetheless, I chose to answer, even if I didn't vote for Obama.
My Question to you, and I think this is fair, how would you answer the same questions? I wait for your reply with eager anticipation.:-) --Durano, done!
Hi r,
I would have wanted to be part of the celebration in the streets, with all those people bursting with euphoria.
You're absolutely right about the enlightenment of Barack, he's just what the doctor ordered. I'm also pleased that the election was just and fair. Thanks for calling by again. :-) --Durano, done!
Great response to Paul's queries, Durano, and I agree with this statement in one of your answers:
"Regardless of what they decide, there will always be those who will find fault with it since they only want to push their own agenda and interests. That's always the case. It is the long term impact that counts."
and in your response to Nigel:
"It will be difficult for Barack Obama to unify a deeply divided nation, until the 46% think of their country rather than their bruised egos."
When you go out and read the various message boards and forums around the net, you will see that there is a lot of misplaced anger out here.
And yes, a ton of bruised egos.
Disappointment turned venomous.
It's a poison growing inside them that they will die to express and revel in rather than release.
I even read on a message board a remark from someone hoping for a bullet in Obama's head. Where does this type of hate come from? I don't understand it and I don't get it.
If McCain had won, I would be disappointed and scared for my future well being in this country, but I still wouldn't want to see him dead. The depth of animosity and hatred from our "good" American citizens is mind blowing. Just because they didn't get what they wanted. Wow. The way it would be if 6 year olds ran the planet.
"I don't like you, so, BANG, you're dead!"
Get over it, Republican voters, and think more of the good of the country and ALL of its citizens...not just yourselves.
By the way, why aren't they more pissed at the way THEIR MAN, Bush, who they voted in TWICE, completely screwed up the country? No anger about that from them can be read anywhere lately.
Great posting as usual, Durano! :)
Durano, great post and great response to Paul, I think he's speechless now :)
Hi Fitness Diva,
I couldn't let it go. I don't know if he was hurting or sneering, or merely confused.
But I've seen the sane comment on Amy Lilly's site, First Door on the Left, and a couple of other sites. I didn't expect to see him here.
But I have been to his site and he is a very helpful person who is very generous about what he knows and freely provides these to his readers. He's a nice guy really.
You're right about the enormous amount of misplaced anger, and disappointment turning venomous. I guess Paul was affected by these too. That venom, to me, is undoubtedly racism, which they tried vainly to disguise by pointing to other things like his policies, background, associations, religious beliefs, and what have you. I always felt racism would raise its ugly head as early as December last year should Obama be a candidate for either the top or the second highest position. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Ms. O.D.
Thanks. He shouldn't be speechless, he helps a lot of people in his site. I wouldn't want that to happen.
Thanks for passing through. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Durano, I agree! Paul has a nice health blog that I often visit :)
What? No comment from Debonair Dude? lol I guess a comment from the Denizen of Debonair Debacles will have to do.
I suspected he had a very good chance to win all along (Iowa? Really? He's got mojo...). The real highlight is that they were able to call it so early in the evening and nothing was disputed.
Hi Zen,
The Debonair Dude or DD2 was here 3 days ago, but he left in a huff and took his comment with him.LOL! I haven't been seeing him here for a while, but I lurk on his site now and then. He's a dyed-in-wool Republican and I guess he wouldn't want to read Pro-Obama comments and how happy the commenters are.
President Obama had been selected by the countries of the world as America's leader even before the US Elections. Can you imagine the disappointment if he had lost? The quick posting of results was a plus factor that helped erase the Al Gore syndrome.
Thanks for dropping by. :-) --Durano, done!
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