The resurgence of rats in the town of Hamelin, coming at a time when Germany's mighty economy slipped into recession, may be an ominous sign of unsavory events about to impact on the German nation. The rat infestation that plagued the town over 700 years before has reemerged from its legendary past, in an eerie development that seems to challenge the community's resolve to contest their existence. The rats have consolidated to do battle with the 21st century Pied Piper, and in the process, seek to alter the outcome of that classic deception and change the legend that has stood for more than seven centuries.

In the year 1284, based on the legend that sprang from Hamelin, this German town was overrun with rats that wreaked havoc on the its growth, development and regular activities of daily living; creating dysfunctional social relationships, conflict among citizens, and misery for the entire population. A pied Piper was hired to rid the town of its misery with a promise of compensation. The Pied Piper played music that entranced the rats and lured them in the river to drown. After his success, the townspeople reneged on their promise to pay, which compelled the Piper to teach them a lesson by luring all of the town's children in a cave and locking them inside with him, never to be seen again.

This year's rats are in an abandoned allotment site at the edge of town, but threatens to spread to neighboring housing estates. The rat population has exploded on the site and the town has sought outside assistance for its control and elimination. Response has been coming in, but this battle is a mere speck that the people of Hamelin, and Germany as a whole, need to fight. Germany's enviable economy had been infested with rats in investment banking clothing who feasted on the bounty and wealth of the country. As the economy suffered by the sheer volume of their insatiable greed and growing numbers, they infected adherents in government as well. And when the collapse was declared last Thursday, these rats even attempted to take a huge chunk of what was left for the winter of their avaricious lives.
A Pied Piper is indeed needed, not only for Hamelin
but for Germany; to lure these dirty rats out into the open where they can be drowned - even from the spit of the entire German population. Next year, Hamelin plans to celebrate the 725th anniversary of the Pied Piper's conquest of the plague, together with a huge children's procession - even if the children were sacrificed by the Piper in the original story. Today, it is the citizens that are being sacrificed by allowing the rats to remain free and enjoy their spurious wealth. It would do well for the citizens and the government to celebrate the Pied Piper's anniversary by identifying these rats and locking them all in prison, never to be seen again. Or perhaps, to send them over to Hamelin, bound at the allotment site, to be feasted on by their ilk.

In the year 1284, based on the legend that sprang from Hamelin, this German town was overrun with rats that wreaked havoc on the its growth, development and regular activities of daily living; creating dysfunctional social relationships, conflict among citizens, and misery for the entire population. A pied Piper was hired to rid the town of its misery with a promise of compensation. The Pied Piper played music that entranced the rats and lured them in the river to drown. After his success, the townspeople reneged on their promise to pay, which compelled the Piper to teach them a lesson by luring all of the town's children in a cave and locking them inside with him, never to be seen again.

This year's rats are in an abandoned allotment site at the edge of town, but threatens to spread to neighboring housing estates. The rat population has exploded on the site and the town has sought outside assistance for its control and elimination. Response has been coming in, but this battle is a mere speck that the people of Hamelin, and Germany as a whole, need to fight. Germany's enviable economy had been infested with rats in investment banking clothing who feasted on the bounty and wealth of the country. As the economy suffered by the sheer volume of their insatiable greed and growing numbers, they infected adherents in government as well. And when the collapse was declared last Thursday, these rats even attempted to take a huge chunk of what was left for the winter of their avaricious lives.
A Pied Piper is indeed needed, not only for Hamelin

this is so funny :))
your comparison is so clever!!
and your hopes and wishes for the 'rats' is positively brilliant ..in a funny 'evil' sort of way ;) :)
He he he, Really Durano that was a very excellent satire,(did I use the right word?) witty and hilarious.
Do you think our government has rats too? Or are they leeches? Puppies? he he he..whatever... I was not aware Germany has such widespread infestation of rats.
Thanks for the info.
Brilliant transposition from 1284 to 2008. Exact and timely, and apt description of the investment bankers and officials too.
Hello Kim,
Rat infestation is a bad thing. Better to let the rats eliminate their fellow rodents - something like a low intensity conflict - to spare the good citizens from the messy result of such a confrontation eh?
Evil? He he he, I just can't stand these people who ruin other people's lives and expect to get rewarded for it with massive retirement packages. These rats must be punished as they deserve to be. LOL!
I hope the Pied Piper they hire would be better equipped to handle it this time. Ha ha ha. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Jena Isle,
Our government has rats too, like every other government there is anywhere in the world.
Funny thing is these rats project themselves to be righteous that they would be the object of envy of saints long gone.
Germany's economic growth and accumulated wealth was a magnet for the dirty rats. As for those in Hamelin, it's basically people's carelessness and nonchalant attitude about sanitation that cause this type of explosion.
So you see, both type of rats are bred by complacency. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Anonymous,
Thanks. When will you reveal yourself? :-) --Durano, done!
I say just sent a couple boat loads of feral cats over there!
But then, there will be the problem of all these stray cats...
Ah, what's a German to do? ;)
lol! Right about now, everyone needs a pied piper of sorts, no?
How have you been, Durano? Good, I hope.
Hi Fitness Diva,
This is a German problem and my humble suggestion is to eliminate some of the bigger rats in their midst first.:-)
Any solution they come up with after that would be a lot simpler and but more messy and obnoxious. It's their fault for allowing both types of rats to propagate. Their complacency is the culprit, really. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Solomonsydelle,
You're right about everyone needing a Pied Piper. It looks like the United States found theirs, let's hope he works out well.
I'm fine and getting a bit of a rest after a difficult experience in an Asian country where my team and I did work for a cyclone devastated country. In a few days, I will take a well deserved vacation and will be back home for the Christmas Holidays.
Your country is also in dire need of a Pied Piper eh? Once the press is muzzled, the last line of defense for Democracy in any country is breached. Your efforts must be geared to ensure a free press and an involved citizenry.
I will be looking over your site as always. Take care and good luck my friend. :-) --Durano, done!
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