The book is scheduled for publication on August 2009. The site provides a generous incentive for articles/posts submitted and accepted. She also posts each of the accepted stories.
For the past week, Gewgaw Writings has posted the Spitting Vessel's story published last May 2008 for Mother's day. The post title is "Memories for my Mother".
Hi Durano,
Your story is a wonderful story that should be read by everyone.
Thanks for accepting my invitation to contribute to the soon-to-be-published book.
this sounds like a great idea Durano...I will have to have pop over...and have a read :)
Your story is beautiful, sad and sincere. All together.
You rarely talk about yourself and I was glad to get to know you more.
Thanks for introducing us to Gewgaw... I'm heading there!
Hi Jenaisle,
Thanks for posting it. It's just about the only personal post I ever wrote, aside from the memes. LOL!
Have a great weekend. :-) --Durano, done!
Hello Kim,
The book will promote blogging and could make some contributors famous. As I understand it, some provided several articles.
I only had one that could be classified as a personal experience, so there it is. It is a good idea and should be supported. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Zhu,
Thanks very much Zhu. As you can see, I'm human. LOL!
I'm glad you are pleased. The only other post that's personal I think is the meme you tagged me about seven facts about myself. That was sometime ago. I don't even recall if it was you who tagged me but you may have been the one. Not sure really.
Anyway, I hope the post makes children take a second look at what they do in relation to the sacrifice that their parents do for them. Thanks for calling by all the way from Canada! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi ,
Ms. Jena invited me to submit one, and I am working on it. She mentioned to me that you have a good blog, and as I browse some of your post I think they are not just good, they're very interesting.
I also remember I read your inspiring comment on Manilenya's blog around 3 months ago, which she eventually made is as a guest post.
With this, I would like to include your blog in my list that I salute. Hope you like it.
Hi Angel,
Thanks for the kind words.
I do remember that comment on Manilenya's blog. I thought I got a little carried away there, but I wanted to dispel her negative beliefs. Her capabilities and intelligence were so obvious except to herself. I'm glad she took it well. I hoped that it would help her. Seeing the improvements she did in her blog, I would say she has genuine talent for these things. It now looks so neat and organized! I continue to read her posts and hover and lurk on her site. She's on my blogroll also so I make regular visits and drop entrecards. The guest post was very flattering although I was a bit surprised by it. But I guess it turned out well.
Thanks for the initiative to include me in your list. I'll do my rounds and visit your site too. Thanks for dropping by. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Xanfactor,
Nice username. Thanks for the invitation. I will make a point of visiting your site, before the week is over. Thanks for dropping by. :-) --Durano, done!
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