If promoting hedonism in its most basic form is an excellent idea for combating the credit crunch and global recession, people will enjoy the pursuit of pleasure even if they're penniless. The question of how man can live in pleasure if he is without means can be achieved by enjoying life in abject poverty - it's one of the few things money can't buy and free for all to experience. As insane as this may sound, this is the same logic being promoted by a resort in North Queensland, Australia. The nudist resort is heralding a month long "anything goes party" in March 2009, to combat the current financial difficulties.

The White Cockatoo in Mossman is not to be confused as a place for whites only, regardless of its name. Cockatoo is a parrot specie, not a crotch appendage. Resort owner Tony Fox has lifted the three year ban on partner swapping "because tough times call for stiff measures". This obviously intended pun is perhaps part of his promotional practice. Yet the nudist paradise has been deluged with inquiries from couples who would like to escape from the harsh realities they face with nothing but their bare essentials and the basest of intentions. It may well be a release of tension by indulging the ups and downs of carefree living and pursuing the ins and outs of pleasure seeking - performed with a stiff standing capital and pushing ambition - even if the only results would be fatigue, jealousies, broken unions, unwanted pregnancies, dreaded diseases, and an exposure of their shortcomings.

Cairns Mayor Val Schier was not opposed to the month long feast for as long as "it is between consenting adults". Assuming they come with their real wives or husbands, both consenting to break their vows to each other, this alone is anathema to continue being married. And what of the partner others bring along, are these safe alternatives? Even while they have the opportunity to scan the menu with their naked eyes (not the only thing undressed though), the old adage of the "proof of the pudding is in the eating" can be a dangerous threat to healthy living. The irony is that these people profess to seek pleasure yet enjoy no real lasting satisfaction out of it. The concept is pathetically flawed. And so are the hedonists.
Misplaced concerns were aired by Cairns Bishop James Foley (very close to Folly) about the code of moral behavior of people going to the feast. There is absolutely nothing to worry about in terms of moral code...they haven't got any.
Haaaarrrrrrwwwk...Twoooooooooph Ting!

The White Cockatoo in Mossman is not to be confused as a place for whites only, regardless of its name. Cockatoo is a parrot specie, not a crotch appendage. Resort owner Tony Fox has lifted the three year ban on partner swapping "because tough times call for stiff measures". This obviously intended pun is perhaps part of his promotional practice. Yet the nudist paradise has been deluged with inquiries from couples who would like to escape from the harsh realities they face with nothing but their bare essentials and the basest of intentions. It may well be a release of tension by indulging the ups and downs of carefree living and pursuing the ins and outs of pleasure seeking - performed with a stiff standing capital and pushing ambition - even if the only results would be fatigue, jealousies, broken unions, unwanted pregnancies, dreaded diseases, and an exposure of their shortcomings.

Cairns Mayor Val Schier was not opposed to the month long feast for as long as "it is between consenting adults". Assuming they come with their real wives or husbands, both consenting to break their vows to each other, this alone is anathema to continue being married. And what of the partner others bring along, are these safe alternatives? Even while they have the opportunity to scan the menu with their naked eyes (not the only thing undressed though), the old adage of the "proof of the pudding is in the eating" can be a dangerous threat to healthy living. The irony is that these people profess to seek pleasure yet enjoy no real lasting satisfaction out of it. The concept is pathetically flawed. And so are the hedonists.
Misplaced concerns were aired by Cairns Bishop James Foley (very close to Folly) about the code of moral behavior of people going to the feast. There is absolutely nothing to worry about in terms of moral code...they haven't got any.
Haaaarrrrrrwwwk...Twoooooooooph Ting!
I think that they will obtain their pleasure, but only for that brief span of time. The adverse effects of that brief hedonistic act will be more lasting and would cause- oftentimes - an irreparable damage in a relationship.
People who truly love each other will always prefer monogamy, because the sexual act to them is the ultimate expression of the love they feel for each other.
Great expository post, as usual.
btw, I have given you an award at my gewgaw blog. You may or may not pick it up. It's up to you.
Happy blogging.
Australia.. anything goes in OZ! :D
Seriously, I have never seen as much booze or as much drugs than when I was traveling there. People are super nice and the landscapes are great but... boy, they do enjoy themselves!
Whaaaatt?? Oh boy, that sounds like one long crazy party they're gonna have on this island. While wife swapping and cheating are nothing new, doing it naked on an island "Survivor" style should definitely make it a lot more interesting!
Curious to see how this all pans out.
You never know, this resort might be on to something! :D
Hi Jenaisle,
Studies show that people who seek and actually engage multiple partners are never truly satisfied. What they get is a lot more emptiness than satisfaction.
This is because the emotional component of the act is missing. Any relationship devoid of the emotional content cannot really be called a relationship, and is oftentimes shallow and/or self-centered. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Zhu,
I know what you mean. I have participated and been witness to how Australians celebrate. Lots of drinks, unending refills, a cocktail of pills and joints, singing, boisterous banter, and even fistfights among themselves - or, if in a bar with a group of about 5 to 10, with whoever gets irritated at their actuations.
This is their way of de-stressing I suppose, but they are a friendly and happy lot. I have always had fun with them even if the jokes are on them. :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Again Jenaisle,
Thanks for the award. I am already full of debts of gratitude for your generosity and graciousness.
By the way, why was it phrased as "You may or may not pick it up. It's up to you" Sounds like you're annoyed. LOL! :-) --Durano, done!
Hi Fitness Diva,
They are on to something since the resort has been inundated with inquiries and slots are almost full.
I know it's nothing new but haven't these people learned anything? I guess if both are of the same mentality and character and are in it for the orgasmic delights minus any emotion, they may find some pleasure after all.
But I seriously doubt it would be really satisfying which would strengthen any relationship. Those attending may not even be lifetime partners too. Oh well. :-) --Durano, done!
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