Mariannet Amper, a 12 year old girl from Davao City in Southern Philippines, whose earlier pictures expressed dreams of a better future amidst the grinding poverty she has known all her life; succumbed to despair and hopelessness by hanging herself with a nylon cord on All Souls Day.
Her diary tells a sad tale of one so young, whose only real handle on her dreams was in finishing school. She was despondent about missing classes for 4 days because she had no transportation money. Her need for One Hundred Pesos (US$2.00) for a school project could not also be met. The father is an on again-off again construction worker, while the mother washes clothes for others to have food on the table.
A letter to a TV Network that provides the sent-in wishes of the poorer members of society remained unsent, ( She wished for a job for her Dad, a pair of shoes and a bicycle for herself) because she had no money for stamps. She was the 7th child in a brood of nine.
This situation is a potential powder keg as there are 11 million Filipinos living on less than US$ 1.00 a day. The unkindest cut of all was the statement of the Secretary of Health who said "...This is an isolated case..." Holy Shit! This is the dumbest remark expressed by a high official who basks in the glory of his unembarrassed stupidity, displaying a ridiculous incapacity for logical thought. He is the one isolated, and he is alienated from the constituents he is supposed to serve. What an ass.
The government, from the President down to the greediest crocodiles in Congress are falling all over themselves, speaking on the poverty situation in the country. As if they didn't know? These leeches get cash dole-outs of up to 500 thousand pesos without receipts, Congressmen get Millions in pork barrel for their favorite mistresses or paramours; they get research stipends, fees for consultants, travel expenses for local and foreign consultations, salaries for district and congressional staff, and many other perks without having to liquidate nor identify the consultants nor present any completed research.
These politicians are the cause of poverty, their corruption is mind boggling, and they are the root of despair and hardship suffered by the Filipinos. Hey! We should not be despondent, they should! We should round them all up in EDSA and drown them in our collective spit! Let no poor Filipino ever hang himself again because of poverty and despair. For everyone in such a situation, lets hang one government official, Senator, Governor or Congressman. Then we let them despair. And us? Well, we can all drink and be merry, by getting rid of the varmints in our midst.
And Mariannet, if you see them try to bribe their way to heaven, kindly tip off Satan to get them into line once and forever.
Her diary tells a sad tale of one so young, whose only real handle on her dreams was in finishing school. She was despondent about missing classes for 4 days because she had no transportation money. Her need for One Hundred Pesos (US$2.00) for a school project could not also be met. The father is an on again-off again construction worker, while the mother washes clothes for others to have food on the table.
A letter to a TV Network that provides the sent-in wishes of the poorer members of society remained unsent, ( She wished for a job for her Dad, a pair of shoes and a bicycle for herself) because she had no money for stamps. She was the 7th child in a brood of nine.
This situation is a potential powder keg as there are 11 million Filipinos living on less than US$ 1.00 a day. The unkindest cut of all was the statement of the Secretary of Health who said "...This is an isolated case..." Holy Shit! This is the dumbest remark expressed by a high official who basks in the glory of his unembarrassed stupidity, displaying a ridiculous incapacity for logical thought. He is the one isolated, and he is alienated from the constituents he is supposed to serve. What an ass.
The government, from the President down to the greediest crocodiles in Congress are falling all over themselves, speaking on the poverty situation in the country. As if they didn't know? These leeches get cash dole-outs of up to 500 thousand pesos without receipts, Congressmen get Millions in pork barrel for their favorite mistresses or paramours; they get research stipends, fees for consultants, travel expenses for local and foreign consultations, salaries for district and congressional staff, and many other perks without having to liquidate nor identify the consultants nor present any completed research.
These politicians are the cause of poverty, their corruption is mind boggling, and they are the root of despair and hardship suffered by the Filipinos. Hey! We should not be despondent, they should! We should round them all up in EDSA and drown them in our collective spit! Let no poor Filipino ever hang himself again because of poverty and despair. For everyone in such a situation, lets hang one government official, Senator, Governor or Congressman. Then we let them despair. And us? Well, we can all drink and be merry, by getting rid of the varmints in our midst.
And Mariannet, if you see them try to bribe their way to heaven, kindly tip off Satan to get them into line once and forever.
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