Everyone inside the Manila Peninsula Hotel in Makati was in tears at the end of the assault, not at the outcome of the standoff, but at the effects of teargas. Outside the Hotel, onlookers surrounding the area greeted the news in stunned disbelief. It was over, and it was a terrible letdown. Early on, brave words were uttered by Senator Antonio Trillanes IV "...the die is cast.." But it was evident that the "cast" in this tragic telenovela "died a thousand deaths".
Trillanes could not walk the talk, and the swagger projected was merely hot air that turned into sour bad breath. It was like going to a movie where your expectations were built to see a fight to the death as in "Custer's Last Stand", "The Alamo", or "300". At the climax, the last roll of film is substituted for "The 3 Stooges". Or, its as if one was worked up to see a thrilling Steven Spielberg film that turns out to be an Ed Wood disjointed horror movie that makes you laugh rather than scare you.
After all that hype, a few warning shots and several canisters of teargas and he gives up! The 1500 combined police and military personnel didn't have to wreck the hotel. All they needed to do was converge on the specific area where the Trillanes and Co. were and simultaneously expel their body gas (fart), and Trillanes would have surrendered! This un-entertaining clown has the courage of a rooster and the brain of a mosquito.
He claims a mandate of 11 million votes without realizing that these were protests against Gloria Arroyo, and does not necessarily mean they will march with him to ignominy. He probably thought that with a couple of million votes in Manila, he could get at least 500 thousand to join him. Fat chance. Who is he and what has he done? He doesn't even have have any combat or field experience. Its just as well because by the way he sizes up a situation and his own preparedness, he would get a lot of good soldiers killed!
And who were his staunchest supporters? Dodong Nemenzo, a respected leftist academician behind a rightist upstart; and Teofisto Guingona, a former Vice President who is a relic of a bygone age. The scenario and supporting cast really is a horror story so ridiculous that it makes you laugh. Will somebody please guide these two gentlemen (Nemenzo and Guingona) to the Old Age home?
Trillanes has exposed himself, (not as ordered by the military to strip down to his shorts after his arrest) as an incompetent, impulsive, unreliable, unthinking, bully who can only act versus helpless and unarmed civilians (Dutch couple he evicted from their home at gunpoint, claiming ownership of the property), but would cower in fear when faced with forces that fight back.
Cowards die a thousand deaths, but Trillanes will have to live through this embarrassment that humiliated his class and the institution he came from. Moreover, he would have to live down the telenovela he authored that is viewed with hilarity; together with his persona that is compared to a mouse that roared.
Remember the name Antonio Trillanes IV, whenever you want to laugh out loud. Squeak, squeak!
Trillanes could not walk the talk, and the swagger projected was merely hot air that turned into sour bad breath. It was like going to a movie where your expectations were built to see a fight to the death as in "Custer's Last Stand", "The Alamo", or "300". At the climax, the last roll of film is substituted for "The 3 Stooges". Or, its as if one was worked up to see a thrilling Steven Spielberg film that turns out to be an Ed Wood disjointed horror movie that makes you laugh rather than scare you.
After all that hype, a few warning shots and several canisters of teargas and he gives up! The 1500 combined police and military personnel didn't have to wreck the hotel. All they needed to do was converge on the specific area where the Trillanes and Co. were and simultaneously expel their body gas (fart), and Trillanes would have surrendered! This un-entertaining clown has the courage of a rooster and the brain of a mosquito.

He claims a mandate of 11 million votes without realizing that these were protests against Gloria Arroyo, and does not necessarily mean they will march with him to ignominy. He probably thought that with a couple of million votes in Manila, he could get at least 500 thousand to join him. Fat chance. Who is he and what has he done? He doesn't even have have any combat or field experience. Its just as well because by the way he sizes up a situation and his own preparedness, he would get a lot of good soldiers killed!
And who were his staunchest supporters? Dodong Nemenzo, a respected leftist academician behind a rightist upstart; and Teofisto Guingona, a former Vice President who is a relic of a bygone age. The scenario and supporting cast really is a horror story so ridiculous that it makes you laugh. Will somebody please guide these two gentlemen (Nemenzo and Guingona) to the Old Age home?
Trillanes has exposed himself, (not as ordered by the military to strip down to his shorts after his arrest) as an incompetent, impulsive, unreliable, unthinking, bully who can only act versus helpless and unarmed civilians (Dutch couple he evicted from their home at gunpoint, claiming ownership of the property), but would cower in fear when faced with forces that fight back.
Cowards die a thousand deaths, but Trillanes will have to live through this embarrassment that humiliated his class and the institution he came from. Moreover, he would have to live down the telenovela he authored that is viewed with hilarity; together with his persona that is compared to a mouse that roared.
Remember the name Antonio Trillanes IV, whenever you want to laugh out loud. Squeak, squeak!
I want to use that spitoon. This Trillanes makes me want to spit.
HI Durano! Just dropped by to say "hello!" Thanks for faming me, I appreciate. Do visit my blog. You're very welcome! Have a great day my friend! Warm regards, Your New Brazilian Friend from Blogging to Fame, Renato de Trindade
Off-topic, but you have been challenged to post "5 Things About Myself".
This comes to me via Wil Dip [http://williamdipini.blogspot.com/2007/12/5-things-about-myself.html]
and I have extended the challenge to three others:
Roadkill Refugee http://www.blogcatalog.com/blogs/roadkill-refugee.html
jptconsult http://www.blogcatalog.com/blogs/the-spitting-vessel.html
libdrone http://www.blogcatalog.com/user/libdrone
Here's my post:
Off-topic, but you have been challenged to post "5 Things About Myself".
This comes to me via Wil Dip [http://williamdipini.blogspot.com/2007/12/5-things-about-myself.html]
and I have extended the challenge to three others:
Roadkill Refugee http://www.blogcatalog.com/blogs/roadkill-refugee.html
jptconsult http://www.blogcatalog.com/blogs/the-spitting-vessel.html
libdrone http://www.blogcatalog.com/user/libdrone
Here's my post:
Good morning from New York City
Tragic indeed, very tragic. But it was one of those very few moments when I wanted so much to say, "I told you so!" to the people in my small circle who voted for and believed in the guy.
And again, it was funny. Hilarious, even. In my poor college days back in our lonely garret when student militant groups get ready for a rally, I remember having always been prepared for tear gas--a bottle of water and a big kerchief--both for thirst, heat, TV cameras and well, tear gas. And my good old pair of tsinelas knows that I couldn't use it in such circumstances because I didn't want one to be widowed in case the police decided to play catch--so while I wore pambahay clothes, I always used a pair of good running shoes. And I was not military-trained--just raised to have foresight, or at least an ounce of it.
Really effective material, thanks so much for the post.
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